The two little babies love their mother, and they kiss and hug around Xinluo.

It wasn't until he had enough of Mama's love that Little Dudu secretly glanced at his father standing by the window with a cold face.

Xiao Dudu's watery peach eyes stared at Dad for a while, then suddenly took small steps and ran towards Dad.

She ran to her father and grabbed his trouser legs.

"Baba...Are you angry?" Xiaodudu asked with her head tilted.

"No." Lu Yuchen replied coldly, although he was angry, luckily he didn't show it to the children.

"Baba lied, you obviously have it!"

It's a pity that Xiaodudu is not so easy to fool, "Is it sad that we only like Mama and don't like Baba? No... Dudu and Anan also like Baba, but Mama is sick, Dudu and Anan are worried Mama..."

Fan Fat Dumpling completely misunderstood her father's idea, thinking that his father saw her and An An getting close to his mother, so he walked aside jealously.

"Baba is good, Baba is not angry... Dudu also likes you." Xiao Dudu opened his arms and climbed up on his father as he spoke.

There was even a hint of persuasion in the tone of his speech to Lu Yuchen.

Xiao Dudu seemed to have mistaken the current situation, but she did not make Lu Yuchen angry.


The man sighed silently in his heart.

Also, what's the use of being angry with a silly little guy like Dudu?

What's more, the one who interrupted his good deeds and stole his woman was his own treasure.

Master Lu was helpless, leaned over, and picked up the little powder dumplings who had been unable to climb up.

"Dudu good, dad is not angry, dad will take you to mom's place."

Seeing that his father was finally willing to hug him, Xiao Dudu's face suddenly burst into a sweet smile, "Oye, that's great! Baba, Dudu loves you!"

After the little guy 'confessed', he put a stamp on Baba's face.

An An pulled her mother and didn't let go,

But when Lu Yuchen came over with Dudu in his arms, he whispered beside him, "Don't be jealous, Dudu and I love you too."

The little guy is a big kid, and his tone is quite comforting to his father.

Grandpa Lu was angry and funny, but his face was extremely dull, he just reached out and touched An An's head.

Seeing that Lu Yuchen was finally coaxed by the two little guys, Xinluo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was Dudu and An An who disturbed Lu Yuchen.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid he could eat that person now.

"You two are not staying at home, why are you coming here?" Master Lu sat down with Dudu in his arms and asked casually.

When he asked, Xinluo knew.

This is because you can't get angry with the babies, and you want to transfer your anger to the person who brought them over.

"Well... it's grandma! Dudu said it just now, grandma is here, grandma said that Mama is ill, let me and Anan come to see Mama. "

"Yeah, Dudu and I haven't seen grandma for a long time. I wanted to stay with her, but grandma asked us to come over and said she had something to tell grandma."

What, talk to grandma! ! !

Xinluo was startled, but she couldn't make a sound, so she could only worry.

Seeing her nervousness, Lu Yuchen immediately asked for her, "Grandma went to the house to find grandma? They both want to talk, so they want to send you here?"

"Yeah." An An said.

He reacts faster than Dudu and observes more carefully than Dudu.

He said clearly: "Grandma went to find us at home. Grandma happened to buy something to go home. When she saw grandma... um... grandma seems to be a little afraid of grandma."

‘Then grandma and grandma, did anything unpleasant happen? Was there a fight, or...a fight? ’ Xinluo was worried and couldn’t help but write.


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