"I don't know. Grandma told us to come to the hospital when she saw grandma coming back."

An An looked at her mother's eyes and saw the worry hidden in her mother's black and clear eyes, and immediately comforted: "However, although grandma looks a little afraid of grandma, but grandma is very kind to grandma. Don't worry, mom, for sure It'll be all right."

Xiao Anan has a sweet mouth and is the best at coaxing her mother. A few words made Xinluo put down her worries.

And at the same time...

Zhuo Yarong was no longer in the Lu family mansion.

When Shen Zi saw her, she pulled her into the car, and before getting into the car, she also confiscated her mobile phone, bag and other items.

"The Duchess... What are you doing here?" The doors were all locked, Zhuo Yarong couldn't get out, so she could only lean on the inside of the door, staring at Shen Zi vigilantly.

"I know I'm wrong. I misunderstood Xinluo and said harsh words to her for the sake of chasing others. But I also slapped you, and I'm willing to apologize. You can't do this... It's illegal to tie someone up!"

"Pfft, you're thinking too much about tying people up." Shen Zi smiled and looked at Zhuo Yarong, her attitude and tone of voice were not as strong as before.

"Mrs. Lu, don't worry, I'm not kidnapping, I'm just looking for a safe place to talk. I heard Luoluo say that you have a bug beside you, so I asked them to collect your bags and mobile phones. This car is ours, don't worry, it has been checked and there is no eavesdropping device."

Zhuo Yarong was stunned when she heard it. She had long forgotten about the bug and didn't take Lu Qinghao's warning seriously.

"Eavesdropping, bugs... No, there can't be bugs... I asked Lu Qi to search everywhere in the house, and I also took instruments to test, there really isn't..."

Speaking of this, Zhuo Yarong thought of Xinluo and Lu Qinghao again.

Although Yuchen's words that made her compare her heart to her heart dispelled her doubts about Xinluo.

But Zhuo Yarong still did not trust Lu Qinghao.

"I know that Xinluo only heard Lu Qinghao's words before she thought we had a bug in our house. I said this, it's not that I don't believe Xinluo, I just think that Xinluo's ex-husband approached her on this ground. "

In fact, Zhuo Yarong thought so, not necessarily wrong.

But Shen Zi, as Xinluo's mother,

Naturally, I trust my daughter more.

Shen Zi crossed her legs and changed her posture.

With a light eye color, she glanced at Zhuo Yarong, who was obviously a little nervous.

"Since Luoluo told me about the bug, I must take it as such. As for whether you believe it or not, it will definitely be revealed at the family meeting."

"You even know about the family meeting...!?" Zhuo Yarong looked at Shen Zi in surprise, not expecting her son to say anything.

"Well, of course. Your son is very good, very dedicated to our family Lolo, and very warm and polite to my mother-in-law. I am very satisfied."


A flash of doubt flashed in Zhuo Yarong's eyes, thinking that she had heard it wrong.

Her son, he has never been warm and polite to anyone in his life, right?

"Also, I also listened to him about you. Although you said too much to Lolo, we have beaten and apologized, and we are not unreasonable people. Let's do it. , we both take a step back, you go back and get the household registration book, and you and I go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to help them get the certificate."

People like them don't need to be present in person to get a wedding photo.

Shen Zi's words jumped very fast, and instantly jumped to the matter of cheating.

Zhuo Yarong really couldn't handle it this time. She opened her mouth and stared at her.

"Get the certificate... how can... get the certificate..." She thought that this time, Shen Zi would definitely bring Xin Luo back to Europe.

"Of course you need to get the certificate." Shen Zi raised her eyebrows and smiled: "If you don't get the certificate, what kind of identity will we use to participate in the family meeting within your Lu family, eh?"


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