"Five years...you unfilial son, don't go too far!" Lu Huanting was furious and was about to stand up.

Lin Tong, who was kneeling beside him, suddenly jumped up and pulled him.

"Huanting, don't..." Lin Tong shook her head at Lu Huanting with sad eyes, "It's not easy for you to go back to Lu's house, don't offend him!"

She said this deliberately, but it made Lu Yuchen feel ruthless.

For Lin Tong, now is the best chance to sell miserable. The colder Lu Yuchen is, the more sensible and pitiful she appears to be with Yishen and Aitong.

Lu Aitong was worthy of being Lin Tong's daughter. Seeing that she was crying and pulling Lu Huanting, she immediately jumped up and grabbed her.

"Dad, I'll go to Qinglong Temple, and I'll go for you... It's only five years, and it's not very long. As long as you and your brother can get what you deserve, I don't care!"

Lu Huanting's right hand was pulled by Lin Tong, and his left was held by Lu Aitong.

He looked to the right and to the left, only to think that Lin Tong and Lu Aitong were the most sincere and best women in the world.

"Heh, Lu Huanting, don't blame me for not reminding you. What Yuchen said was for you to go, it wouldn't count for someone else to go instead of you."

Zhuo Yarong stood beside them and watched with cold eyes, only to feel how hypocritical this couple of mother and daughter were.

And Lu Huanting... He is really old, and he can't even see such clumsy acting skills as Lin Tong and Lu Aitong.

Zhuo Yarong is also a woman. Even if Lin Tong is not as scheming, she can still tell the difference between a woman's true feelings and false feelings.

Thinking of the woman Lu Huanting had loved all his life, he was not necessarily sincere to him.

In Zhuo Yarong's heart, there was a hint of schadenfreude.

Lu Huanting just turned his head at this moment, and when he looked up, he saw the mockery on Zhuo Yarong's lips.

He couldn't mess with Lu Yuchen, so he didn't dare to teach Zhuo Yarong a lesson! ?

"This is our Lu family, not the Zhuo family! Zhuo Yarong, let me tell you, you are not qualified to speak here!" Lu Huanting was furious, and he was about to get up and attack Zhuo Yarong.

Lin Tong and Lu Aitong looked at each other...



The two were 'brought down' by Lu Huanting's actions at the same time.

The 'weak' Lin Tong and Lu Aitong obviously couldn't match Lu Huanting's strength, so they both let go.

Without the obstruction of the two women, Lu Huanting stepped in front of Zhuo Yarong, raised his hand and slapped it down.

"Crack—" A loud, crisp sound came.


The entire hall suddenly fell into a kind of mysterious silence.

Because Lu Huanting's slap didn't fall.

Someone suddenly intervened between Lu Huanting and Zhuo Yarong.

Not only did he block Lu Huanting's attack for Zhuo Yarong, but he also slapped Lu Huanting in the face with a backhand.

Lu Huanting covered his face and couldn't believe it: "You...you actually dare to do something to me...!"

His right hand remained raised.

And Shen Zi happened to stand between him and Zhuo Yarong, pinching the wrist of his right hand with ease.

"Hmph, only a scumbag like you can do it by hitting a woman." Shen Zi raised her eyebrows lightly, her eyes full of contempt.

At that moment, she seemed to see her former self.

Before she left the Shen family, Shen Jun did the same.

As long as Jiang Yunwen said casually, he would slap him indiscriminately.

Therefore, before everyone, including Lu Yuchen, could react, Shen Zi could see the fury and vent in Lu Huanting's eyes.

This kind of scumbag is all the same. They don't dare to deal with people who are stronger than themselves, and only dare to vent on weak women.

[The author has something to say] The 8.7 update begins

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