Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1672 I beat my wife, it's none of your business!

"I taught my wife, it's none of your business! I warn you, don't think you're a duchess and I won't dare to do it! You'd better get out of the way, or I'll beat you together!"

Lu Huanting was so angry that he said something.

Zhuo Yarong hid behind Shen Zi and stuck her head out: "I'm not your wife, but your wife is Lin Tong. If you want to beat her, you should beat her, it has nothing to do with me!"

What a shameless scumbag.

If it's good, think about Xiaosan, and if it's not good, take her as his wife.

Although she and Lu Huanting have not divorced yet, this man is so scumbag that she is no longer uncommon.

"You..." Lu Huanting was almost hurt by Zhuo Yarong's words.

At this time, she really insisted that Zhuo Yarong was still her own wife, and she didn't.

Seeing the scumbag's face turn blue and white, Shen Zi smiled.

"Just like you, you still want to fight me? The former heir of the dignified Lu family can't even beat a woman. Premier Lu, it's not that I look down on you. If you want to threaten me, at least you can beat me, right?"

After Shen Zi finished speaking, her left hand gained three more points.

The veins on Lu Huanting's right hand suddenly burst out.

If Lu Huanting hadn't clenched his back teeth immediately, he would have almost cried out in pain.

Unexpectedly, a woman as delicate and charming as Shen Zi has more strength than a man!

"Mrs. Reddington, please let go. This is our Lu family's clan meeting. It is against the rules for you to appear here now. If you continue to make trouble, I can only ask you to go out by force."

Lu Huanting was completely restrained by Shen Zi. At this time, only an elder like Lu Yunhua could speak for him.

Uncle Lu Yunhua and Lu Huanting stood on the same boat, naturally they would not let it go.

Who knows that Shen Zi doesn't eat Lu Yunhua's clothes at all.

"This old gentleman, I heard that you are my son-in-law's cousin and the highest-ranking elder in the clan. I originally thought that people like you should be the most just and fair. But today I have the honor to watch your Lu family. The clan, I just found out that the so-called fairness and fairness is a joke at all."

"You...what did you say..." Lu Yunhua's old eyelids trembled slightly.

Clearly angry.

"This is the Lu family. Even if you are Yuchen's mother-in-law, you shouldn't say such things. Mrs. Reddington, please respect yourself!"

"Why can't I say it? I don't think I made a mistake. When Lu Huanting was about to commit violence, why didn't you stand up and stop him? Now he is a coward, and I hold him back, but you ran out to speak for him. Mr. Lu, A confused elder like you is not qualified to sit on the main seat in our Reddington house."

"'re going too far!" Lu Yunhua finally got angry and slapped it on the table.

"Come here, drive this woman out. This is the Lu family's clan meeting, she is not qualified to stand here!"

Xinluo stood up when she saw that the Lu family was going to deal with Shen Zi.

Lu Yuchen embraced her and held her in his arms.

"Don't worry, my mother-in-law has a chance. My cousin is not her opponent, don't worry."

Lu Yuchen had long discovered that his mother-in-law had a strong 'combat ability'.

Not only is the force value on the table, but his mind is also exquisite and transparent.

She can make Zhuo Yarong's soft temperament free and easy, not to mention dealing with an old and confused cousin.

Sure enough, Lu Yuchen's speculation was true.

Being difficult for Lu Yunhua, Shen Zi not only was not afraid, but grabbed Lu Huanting and moved forward.

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