Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1695 The big deal is to go back to Europe to be the son-in-law of the duke

More than an hour later, Shen Xinchen walked out of the Lu family's old house.

When the driver saw it, he immediately called Lin Tong, "Madam, she's out."

"Well, what's the look on her face?"

The driver squinted and looked into the distance, "Looks like he's very angry."

When Lin Tong heard this, the doubts in her heart were put down for half a minute, and she indifferently instructed: "Well, drive slowly later, be careful on the road."

In Shen Xinchen's stomach, there is Lu Yishen's most important bargaining chip for the inheritance.

"Yes, ma'am."

The driver hung up the phone, and Shen Xinchen was almost approaching. He got out of the car and opened the door for Shen Xinchen, and the car sped away.

On the second floor of the mansion, looking at the taillights of the distant car, Xinluo said: "I didn't expect that Shen Xinchen would take the initiative to lower his head..."

In the study just now, before leaving, Shen Xinchen bowed deeply to her and Shen Zi.

She didn't cry, her stubborn eyes still hid the pride behind the door.

But Xinluo knew that this woman's heart was probably completely broken.

"Yeah. So, marriage is a woman's second reincarnation. The reason why your uncle didn't let her marry him at the beginning was because he saw through the meanness of the Shen family. What's more, Lu Yishen was also interested in taking advantage of Xinchen. ...that is, that silly girl couldn't understand it herself, and thought your uncle treated her badly."

Xinluo sighed. She was also a pregnant woman. At this moment, she sincerely prayed for Shen Xinchen.

"Hopefully she can succeed...for herself, and for the child in her belly..."


That night, news came from Winston that Professor Duan was kidnapped by Lu Huanting.

"Is the address you reported true?" Xinluo found Lu Yuchen and asked him to verify.

She thought that Lu Huanting was just giving an address at random to fool Lu Huanting and the others.

Even if it was true, Professor Duan should have heard the wind and left early in the morning.

"Yes." Master Lu raised his eyes from the document, and his cold eyes covered Xinluo with warmth.

"That's my plan with Professor Duan, you don't have to worry."

"But didn't you say that Professor Duan and Lu Huanting have a bloody feud? If Professor Duan falls into his hands, will it be dangerous?"

Lu Yuchen heard the worry in the little woman's tone, put down the document in his hand, and pulled her into his arms.

"There will definitely be danger, but if you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's son. This is the plan I shared with him."

Xinluo frowned slightly, "You mean, Professor Duan deliberately threw himself into the net... What are you trying to do, Yuchen, you have been hiding a lot of things from me recently."

The photo called Lu Qi.

Professor Duan was deliberately arrested.

Lu Yuchen had more and more secrets.

Lu Yuchen hugged Xinluo on her lap and lifted her small jaw, "Oh, now Mrs. Lu is inquiring about Mr. Lu's whereabouts, eh?"

"I didn't ask, I was just curious." Xinluo took the initiative to hug him back, leaning her little head on his hard chest, "I'm worried about you... Professor Duan is so important to you, I really don't understand why he was suspected of letting him It fell into Lu Huanting's hands. And Lu Qi, can he really invite his uncle down the mountain with that photo?"

"Little fool, you are pregnant, don't worry about this and that all the time." Master Lu squeezed her chin and kissed her, deepening the kiss while Xinluo gasped.

"Just stay at home obediently, and accompany me to the clan meeting in seven days. I'll arrange the rest... Mr. Lu promises you that everything is going on in an orderly manner."

Xinluo always believed Lu Yuchen's words.

What's more, he kissed her, and the low and pleasant voice was like a spell hitting the tip of her trembling heart.

Xinluo no longer thinks wildly, anyway, she can help as little as she can.

If Lu Yuchen was really defeated, it would be a big deal to kidnap him back to Europe to be the duke's son-in-law.


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