Five days later.

Seeing that the clan meeting will start the day after tomorrow, there is no news from the uncle at Qinglong Temple, no news from Shen Xinchen, and even no news from Professor Duan.

The closer it gets, the more anxious Xinluo is, and she always feels very uneasy.

Shen Zi had already told Shen Yi about Shen Xinchen's affairs. Shen Yi had personally called Lu Huanting and said that he would take Shen Xinchen back to have a baby.

Lu Huanting must pay attention to Shen Yi's phone call.

If Shen Xinchen wanted to leave at this time, no one would dare to stop him directly.

However, Shen Xinchen said on the phone again that he wanted to stay in City A and stay by Lu Yishen's side for labor.

Her voice didn't sound like she was being coerced, and she obviously couldn't hold her breath.

The purpose of staying is for revenge.

But five days have passed, and Xinluo's subordinates who were eavesdropping have not heard any movement.

This shows that Shen Xinchen did not find a suitable opportunity to start.

"Mom, why don't you go and see Shen Xinchen. If you really can't, take Winston and the others with you, say it's your uncle's request, and pick them up directly."

The more time dragged on, the more anxious Xinluo became.

Especially today, the feeling of restlessness was extremely strong, and she was afraid that something would happen to Shen Xinchen.

"Okay Lolo, don't keep walking around... Mommy will go..."

Before he could finish speaking, Shen Zi's phone suddenly rang rapidly.

The caller number was very familiar, it was Shen Xinchen's phone number.


"Are you Shen Zi?" The female voice across the phone was somewhat familiar, but not Shen Xinchen.

Shen Zi's peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, she turned on the speaker, "Yes, I am... Who are you?"

"I'm Lin Tong."

Lin Tong! ?

Xinluo and Shen Zi quickly looked at each other.

Shen Xinchen's phone fell into Lin Tong's hands, and now Shen Xinchen...

Fortunately, in the next second, Lin Tong's tone was much more polite than before, "Mrs. Reddington, don't rush to hang up. I know you don't like me, but Xinchen is your niece anyway, you have to help her. ."

Shen Zi's face changed, "What happened to Xinchen?"

"Xinchen slipped and fell down the stairs, and is now being rescued in the hospital." Lin Tong's voice was crying, sounding worried.

"The doctors here say that only your specialists at Reddington Medical Center can keep the child, Mrs. Reddington, you must..."

Shen Zi interrupted Lin Tong impatiently, "Where are you now, I'll send someone over now."

Lin Tong reported the address, and Shen Zi immediately hung up the phone and called her subordinates.

While playing, she followed Xinluo out.

Master Lu happened to come in from outside.

Seeing that Xinluo was in a hurry, her face was extremely bad, she hugged her and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Shen Xinchen had an accident, fell on the stairs, and is now being rescued in the hospital..."

When Master Lu heard this, his face also sank.

What happened to Shen Xinchen, Xinluo had already told him that something happened now, and it was likely that the eavesdropping had been discovered.

"I'll accompany you..." Master Lu simply picked up Xinluo and carried him all the way to the car.

"How could it be so coincidental to step on the air, there must be something wrong with this matter!" Shen Zi said in a displeased tone.

Even though Shen Xinchen had done various things before, she was her own niece after all, so Shen Zi naturally protected her shortcomings at critical moments.

Xinluo couldn't help but blame herself at this time, if only she hadn't given Shen Xinchen the bug.

She was always worried that Shen Xinchen would step into the air because Lin Tong discovered something.

"Let's take her home when this is over..." Xinluo thought about it and said, "I can't let Shen Xinchen stay at Lu Yishen's place..."

Before she finished speaking, her phone rang again.


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