When Xinluo saw that the caller ID was Saidi's phone number, she immediately pressed the open button.

"Miss, there is a response from the eavesdropper. Lin Tong just called Lu Huanting and Lu Yishen, and they have all been recorded."

"Success...success?" Xinluo was shocked.

Even Master Lu and Shen Zi showed expressions of astonishment.

They all thought it was the exposure of the bug, which caused Shen Xinchen to have an accident.

But now it seems that the situation is not the same as they thought.

Xinluo suddenly reacted and immediately asked Sai Di: "Look at when the bug was put in? Shen Xinchen fell and is now in the hospital for rescue. I want to know why she fell!"

Bugs placed in cell phones, while dangerous, have a huge benefit.

Not only can you hear the sound outside the phone, but also the voice of the caller.

It would never be an easy matter for Shen Xinchen to fall downstairs. If Lin Tong was holding the phone at that time, there would definitely be clues.

Sadie hurriedly hung up the phone to check.

The speed of the car was so fast that Xinluo, Lu Yuchen and Shen Zi felt extremely heavy.

They were all waiting for Sadie's answer.

Ten minutes later, the call came, and Sai Di revealed the answer: "It was Lu Aitong who pushed. She had an argument with Shen Xinchen and pushed Shen Xinchen downstairs."

After Sadie finished speaking, he played the recording directly on the phone.

"Shen Xinchen, stop for me!" Aitong's arrogant and domineering voice came from the phone.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Xinchen's voice came, "Aitong, is something wrong?"

"Shen Xinchen, stop pretending to me, did you tell my brother not to let him go out with me tonight? We clearly agreed to play tennis together tonight, why don't you let him go?!"

"Aitong, I didn't...Yishen just saw that I was uncomfortable, so..."

"Hmph, don't do this for me. I'm also a woman, and the coquettish tricks you know are useless for me. Shen Xinchen, let me tell you, stop pretending to be pitiful in front of my brother, I..."


What's so arguing about a little thing between you two! Lin Tong's voice sounded, and she could be heard approaching them.

"Mother-in-law, I..."

"Mom, I'm not arguing, but she's ignorant. She's a pregnant woman, so she should lie on the bed and raise her baby. If she wanders around all day, she will seduce her brother to accompany her at home."

"Okay Aitong, don't say a few words." Lin Tong said Lu Aitong first, but her tone was very gentle.

When talking about Shen Xinchen, his tone was a little stiff, "Xinchen, Aitong is right, you should lie down more and don't get out of bed if you have nothing to do."

"Yishen is a man, and a man is the most likely to be distracted when a woman is pregnant. You, I should thank Aitong. If she hadn't helped you watch Yishen all day, Yishen wouldn't be the only woman. You, you must be content..."

"You, you..." Shen Xinchen's voice was clearly mixed with anger.

She seemed a little unbearable, looking like she was about to explode at any moment.

Fortunately, Shen Xinchen was still sensible, and her forbearance voice came from the recording, "Mother-in-law, you are right, then... I'm going back to my room..."

Shen Xinchen's footsteps were far away, and at this moment, Lu Aitong's yin and yang voice came out, "Hmph, I'm not self-sufficient, and I don't know how my brother fell in love with you. One day I will dump you."

The footsteps suddenly stopped.

Shen Xinchen seemed to stop.

Hearing this, Xinluo couldn't help being nervous, not knowing what Shen Xinchen would do.

At this moment, Shen Xinchen's soft voice sounded, "Yeah, why does your brother like me? It's a pity, no matter how beautiful and enchanting you are, even a good-quality man like your brother can't look down on you. You , only worthy of marrying an old man like Shi Weizheng!"

"You...what did you say..."

Lu Aitong hurried footsteps from near to far, she seemed to rush towards Shen Xinchen.

Then, screaming, pushing, and the sound of heavy objects rolling down the stairs came one by one.

The last voice was Lin Tong's reprimand and Lu Aitong's cold laughter.

[Fixed 4 updates, finished tonight, a total of 8 updates]

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