Lu Huanting's eyes froze, his open lips trembling slightly.

He didn't seem to expect that Lu Yuchen would be colder and crueler than he expected.


Come to think of it, is this cruel?

Compared to the stupid things he did before, letting him go is indeed the greatest cruelty.

"Hehe...hehehe..." He smiled bitterly, bleakly.

At this moment, even the mouth has a bitter taste.

Retribution, it's all retribution.

The so-called love when he was young, for the sake of the woman he raised outside and the child she gave birth to, for the so-called true love, he was eager to let his own son die early!

The child who has feelings for him, studied hard, tried his best to get an excellent grade card, but just wanted a word of praise from him.

And then, what the hell did he do?

The most innocent and pure love and expectations of children are strangled in the cradle.

"That's right, that's right, you really shouldn't forgive me... I don't deserve it, I don't deserve it..." Lu Huanting closed his eyes and let the tears flow down his face.

He didn't dare to beg again, he bowed to Zhuo Yarong again, and nodded again like Lu Yuchen.

With the help of Lu Qi, he limped and walked out.

After Lu Huanting left, the atmosphere in the room became much more solemn.

After a while, the grumbling voice in Dudu's stomach broke the solemnity.

"Ah—" Little Dudu covered her stomach and looked at the others with a blushing face, "Dudu is not farting, Dudu was hungry just now, and Dudu's stomach is screaming!"

An An always laughed and said that the sound was fart.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Xiao Dudu quickly explained.

Childish words.

Dudu's cute words and ignorant and cute actions broke the silence of the room.

There was a smile on everyone's face,

Even Lu Erchen, who was blinded by hatred just now, had a rare knowing smile at this moment.

After a while, everyone chatted happily.

Zhuo Yarong was busy serving soup to Dudu and Xinluo, while the children were busy kissing and talking to their mothers.

The two men stood behind the children, watching Xinluo interact with the children with gentle eyes.

For a while, those unpleasant memories and atmosphere seemed to dissipate.

Happiness and tranquility are the eternal themes of this home.


That night, only one person was left to accompany the night.

After successfully taking away the eldest brother, Master Lu deservedly got the power to stay with him at night.

"Lu Yuchen, don't you think you're childish? There's no bed next to you..."

Xinluo squeezed Lu Yuchen with her elbows, and when he was so close in summer, he didn't feel hot, and she felt tired.

"Lolo, I haven't seen you for a long time, don't drive me away."

Lu Erchen wouldn't obediently go to sleep in the escort bed. The bed in the VIP ward was so big that two people could squeeze it together.

"But I have a wound on my leg!" Xin Luojiao glared at him angrily.

"It's the back that hurts, I'll sleep here."

"You..." Xinluo was almost hurt by this man.

Although the second personality was domineering in the past, he was not so unforgiving.

I don't know if the memory of the two personalities merged, but she always felt that he would occasionally show the cunning of the first personality.

Thinking of the disappearing No. 1 personality, Xinluo couldn't help but ask: "Now that you are out, what will Da Lu do? Will he disappear?"

Da Da Lu and Er Er Lu are nicknames that Xinluo just came up with.

She decided to call them that after all.

"Lu Er'er..." The man frowned, "You think I'm a second person?"

Second, if he swears, he still knows.

"Huh?" Xinluo was slightly startled and shook his head.

Who knows, the man was hoarse again and asked in a low and dangerous voice: "Or, do you think he is very big?"


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