
Xinluo's face was bewildered, and for a long time she didn't remember what Lu Yuchen meant.

Until he turned sideways and brushed her face with a slightly rough finger.

Although he didn't put his weight on her, he was so close that he could almost feel his warm breath.

"Hmm..." Xinluo snorted softly, and suddenly reacted.

His face, which was much more mellow than before, immediately turned red.

The misty peach blossom eyes glanced at Lu Erchen complainingly.

"The name Lu Er'er is not wrong. You are really... a little bit." Xin Luo boldly said to the man who always likes to have a cold face.

Seeing his icy eyes turn into tenderness, the cold and deep facial features gradually soften.

Knowing that he would not really be angry with himself, he dared to say it.

"You two live in one body, you... don't you know it yourself?"

Obviously they are all the same person, who is bigger and who is smaller.

Only Lu Erer's jealous personality could come up with such a bizarre question.

"How about him, I don't know. But what about me, Luo Luo, you should know very well." Lu Yuchen grabbed her hand and carried it down.

As if her hand was scalded, Xinluo hurriedly curled her hand back.

" don't fool around..."

Her belly was still round and she was still injured.

Xinluo complained, "This is not good for prenatal education."

At the end, I was shocked to realize that this person completely pulled the topic away, and quickly grabbed his hand and asked, "I haven't answered my question yet, but you came out. What about Da Lu? When will he appear?"

To her, Lu Da was Lu Yuchen, and Lu Er'er was also Lu Yuchen.

Two people are the same person.

Without this body, no one can do it.

"Luo Luo, let's not mention him first." Who knows, Lu Erchen is not at all reluctant to talk about another self to Xinluo.

He embraced Xinluo and hugged her tighter.

Holding his beloved woman like this, such a beautiful and peaceful feeling, was almost something he never dared to imagine before.

He thought about her for a long time, and at this moment, he didn't want to mention another self.

Xinluo could vaguely feel the tension and cherishment of the second personality towards him.

It is normal to think that he has indeed been sleeping for a long time, and it is rare that he can be with him.

If that's the case, then accompany him tonight and spend a quiet night.

In fact, she also has a lot of things to say to him.

In the hospital room with the lights on, outside the glass window is the splendid night sky of the Xinghe River in summer.

Lu Erchen leaned against the head of the bed and Xinluo was in his arms. The two looked at the night sky, chatting about the past, the future, and their daughter.

"I've decided on my daughter's name. It's Lu Yan, and her nickname is Yanyan."

"Yanyan...Which smoke?" Xinluo was about to fall asleep, no matter which Lu Yuchen it was, her arms were always so warm and wide.

"The smoke of fireworks..." Lu Erchen said lightly, looking at the starry sky with his dark eyes.

"Yanyan..." Xinluo murmured, and nodded after a while, "Okay, this name is very suitable for girls, it sounds good."

Dudu's name is Lu Tiantian, and the youngest daughter's name is Lu Yan?

You can call it Lu Yanyan, and Lu Yanyan is also very nice.

"Why is it called this name? What's the meaning?" Xinluo's eyelids were already fighting and asked confusedly.

"No, I just think it sounds nice." The man's voice was still magnetic and indifferent.

Xinluo moved his head in his neck and changed into a comfortable position, "Well, as long as you like it."

She was about to fall asleep, but she always felt that she had nothing to do.

Oh, by the way, she hasn't confessed to him yet.

Those words, the words that I wanted to say to him last time, are still hidden in my heart.


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