Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1917 Wanting a short-haired aunt to be Mu'er's mommy

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Although Qiao Mu'er's little hand hit Qiao Mohan, her little face was buried deep in Qiao Mohan's arms, hugging her father, crying with tears in her eyes.

Qiao Shao broke up with other women, neatly and unfeelingly.

But this ruthlessness can't happen to her little princess.

Qiao Mohan regretted it when he lost his temper just now. After all, she is the little princess who she loves at the top of her heart. She is usually reluctant to even say heavy words, so how could she be willing to let her cry.

Qiao Mohan hugged the little guy and coaxed him for a while, until Qiao Muer gradually stopped crying, her chest twitched and she was crying.

"Dad...Daddy...I...I...Hiccup...I don't want...stepmother..."

"Mu'er wants...for Daddy...and...and Mommy..."

"Okay, don't want a stepmother, we Mu'er won't have a stepmother. Daddy promises you, absolutely not." He never thought about marriage at all, Qiao Mohan is a standard unmarried family.

Even the appearance of Xiao Mu'er was an accident.

He was just taking advantage of the money-worshiping girl who didn't exist in his memory for a long time.

However, unlike the initial resistance.

Qiao Mohan now thinks it's good to have a daughter, especially a lively and cute little clever ghost like Xiao Mu'er.

"Woohoo ... but ... but other children have moms, children in our kindergarten have ..."

The little thing hugged Qiao Mohan's neck, raised the red one, and cried like the eyes of the little rabbit.

"Mu'er doesn't want a stepmother, but Daddy can help Mu'er find a mommy? Mu'er wants a mommy..."

Qiao Mohan: "..."

Seeing the little guy's red eyes, Qiao Mohan didn't know how to answer for a while.

Not to mention he doesn't know who Xiao Mu'er's mother is.

He just knew that he wouldn't let Xiao Mu'er recognize her greedy and money-loving biological mother.

Such a woman is not worthy of being the mommy of his little Muer.

The little guy didn't know Qiao Mohan's thoughts. She hugged Qiao Mohan and cried and made trouble until Qiao Mohan's crying had a headache and her temper was about to come up again.

Only then did I hear my baby crying and muttering: "I like that short-haired aunt... She smells like mommy. Daddy, would you like her to be Mu'er's mommy? Mu'er wants mommy!"

In the consciousness of the little guy, there is no common sense of human ethics at all.

She didn't know what an October pregnancy was, what a blood connection was.

I just feel that the aunt who can bring me warmth, comfort and heart-warming is her mommy.

Qiao Mohan was stunned for a moment, then narrowed his eyes.

With unruly Danfeng eyes and suspicion: "Mu'er, the short-haired aunt you said was the one who brought you back just now... Su Qing?"

Qiao Mu'er smiled happily: "It turns out that her name is Su Qing. Aunt Qingqing's name is really nice, and Mu'er likes it..."


When the word 'Qingqing' came out of Qiao Mu'er's mouth.

A trace of hesitation flashed in Qiao Mohan's bottomless phoenix eyes.

It's like, this name, someone has heard it in his ear, and it has been recited countless times.

However, this feeling is only fleeting, passing so quickly that it is too fast to be grasped at all.

Qiao Mohan's thoughts were not interrupted by this little song. His phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and with a cold and serious expression, he looked at the little baby in his arms.

Word by word, he asked solemnly, "Mu'er, tell Daddy, who taught you those words just now? Was it... the one you said, Aunt Qingqing?"

Su Qing...

Her approach to herself was indeed purposeful.

The sudden appearance suddenly made him react.

And suddenly he can make his baby have a different feeling for her.

This woman... Qiao Mohan's eyes were deep, and for the first time, he cast aside his condescension, and looked at it with a solemn attitude.


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