"Daddy, what are you talking about, of course not..." Little Mu'er shook her head, tears welling up in her beautiful almond eyes.

"It's Mu'er who wants Aunt Qingqing to be Mu'er's mom, Aunt Qingqing doesn't know yet..."

She fell asleep in Aunt Qingqing's arms and slept very comfortably.

The whole body is warm, and all around is the good smell of Aunt Qingqing, which is very comfortable and reassuring.

Unfortunately, when she woke up, Aunt Qingqing was long gone.

The little guy is still annoyed, he doesn't even know the name of Xiangxiang's aunt, but fortunately Daddy told her.

"Mu'er doesn't matter, if Daddy doesn't take Aunt Qingqing home to be Mu'er's mother, Mu'er won't go home!"

Seeing that Qiao Mohan didn't express his opinion for a while, Qiao Mu'er puffed up her cheeks and sat on the ground with tears in her eyes.

She was used to being unruly and willful. Anyway, the adults couldn't do what they wanted, so they just sat on the ground and rolled around.

Qiao Mohan couldn't bear his daughter crying.

The woman named Su Qing flashed in her mind again. She was pressed on the table by him just now. When she did that kind of thing, she bit her lower lip and tried her best to restrain herself, but her face was blushing.

The displeasure originally caused by Su Qing's attack on Mu'er dissipated a little.

The charming Danfeng eyes dimmed, Qiao Mohan said solemnly, "Okay, Daddy promises you, let that woman be your mommy."

When Xiao Mu'er heard this, she immediately burst into laughter.

"Okay, thank you Daddy, Mu'er also has a mommy... Mu'er is so happy..."

That night, Su Qing, who ran out of Qiao Mohan's room, went straight back to her room to pack her luggage.

She didn't buy a house in city a. Originally, as an employee of the Tang family, she lived in a hotel provided by Xinluo for a long time.

But after what happened tonight, Su Qing was about to move out of the hotel.

It was still too easy to bump into people who shouldn't bump into hotels. Qiao Mohan knew Lu Yuchen well, and it was easy to get in and out of the Junyu Hotel and the Reddington Hotel.

Su Qing simply packed some luggage, and first changed hotels to stay for one night.

The next morning, I got up and looked for a house.

The incident happened to the crew yesterday, and the start time was late today.

Su Qing spent two hours looking at several houses with the agency, and soon found a set of accommodation that complied with her request and satisfied her.

The house is very good, the decoration is simple and comfortable, and it is a luxury apartment in a high-end community.

The most important thing is that the security is very good. There are only two households on the first floor. To enter the floor, you need to swipe your card in the elevator, otherwise you can't press it.

There are also security guards downstairs, who will check people entering and leaving, and strangers must be registered for visiting, and they can only be released after asking the owner.

Su Qing met with the landlord and knew that there was an elderly couple who lived opposite her. They had a good personality and were very helpful. We could help each other with anything.

The living environment is safe and comfortable, and the neighbors are easy-going people. Su Qing couldn't be more satisfied with this place.

Thinking that in the future, there will be three more films in City A, although the rent is a bit expensive, Su Qing still bites her teeth and signs a two-year contract.

Once signed, you are not afraid of the landlord's price increase.

The only thing that makes Su Qing difficult is that the landlord requires the rent to be paid once a year.

In other words, once it is determined, one year's rent has to be paid.

The rent at this location is really not cheap, but thinking that staying in a hotel is easy to encounter Qiao Mohan's crisis, Su Qing still handed over the money and signed the contract readily.

After the renting was done, Su Qing rushed to the crew in a resolute manner.

After Lin Shasha's strike yesterday, Su Qing originally planned to film the antagonist scene between the male protagonist Yi Nanfeng and others when she arrived on the set today.

She already has a plan in her heart, the heroine is only afraid that she will be replaced.

Otherwise, if Lin Shasha doesn't leave, she will make a fuss and ask Qiao Mohan to get herself away.

Who knows, when we got to the crew, everything we expected didn't happen.

Lin Shasha seems to have suddenly changed her personality. She doesn't play big names anymore, and she doesn't stop acting. She has already dressed up and waited for her to start filming.

However, what Su Qing expected to be dismissed by Qiao Mohan did not happen.

It was as if everything yesterday was her hallucination and nothing actually happened.

Su Qing suppressed the strange feeling in her heart and began to arrange the next shooting in an orderly manner.

At this moment, Yi Nanfeng, who was dressed in the uniform of the emperor, suddenly appeared.

"Director Su..." A man's voice came from behind Su Qing with a low, casual voice.

[I have something to do tonight, I will update it when I have time to write during the lunch break. It's still 6 pm tomorrow, huh~]


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