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Su Qing was stunned for two seconds, wondering if she should answer the phone.

Obviously, the disappearance of the child must be reported to the parents, otherwise the child's family must be worried.

But Su Qing really didn't want to answer Qiao Mohan's call, didn't want to hear his voice, and didn't want to hear his familiar voice, which was deep, magnetic and full of memories, right next to her ear.

Yes, Su Qing admits that she is timid.

The strong appearance can't stop the sadness of the memories. The reason why she has been so strict that she doesn't think about, see, or listen to anything about Qiao Mohan.

It was because she was not sure that when she heard the news from him again, the dusty heart that had been sealed for a long time could not help but be touched.

The call didn't last long.

Perhaps the more than 100 missed calls made Qiao Mohan expected that no one would answer the call, but after a few shocks, he hung up.

Therefore, Su Qing no longer needs to face the dilemma of 'to answer the phone or not to answer'.

"Huh..." She breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the stone in her heart finally fell.

It's best not to talk to Qiao Mohan... She really doesn't want to have anything to do with that man anymore.

Putting the phone away, Su Qing could only go to her closet and turn over a set of pajamas for Qiao Muer.

There was no size suitable for children, so she could only find out her short-sleeved T-shirt and use it as a long-sleeved nightdress for Qiao Muer.

Wait for the little bun to wake up first - after waking up, let her call Qiao Mohan to report safety.

Su Qing thought so, and put on 'pajamas' for Xiao Qiao Mu'er, who slept sweetly and didn't know how to wake up.

This child was turned over by himself and picked up to change his clothes, but he didn't make a sound. It can be seen that he was really tired today.

After changing her clothes, she carefully wiped Qiao Mu'er's face with a wet towel and watched her by the side of the bed.

Su Qing herself had changed into pajamas, turned on the heater, sat beside the bed and looked at Qiao Mu'er who was sleeping, and felt warm in her heart.

just like,

Just watching Qiao Mu'er sleeping can repair the cracks left in her heart little by little.

It's really amazing... This is probably the magic of a child.

Su Qing couldn't help thinking.

At this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly, interrupting the warmth and sweetness of the room.

Su Qing got up quickly and went to the door.

The doorbell rang rapidly, one after another.

Su Qing was afraid of waking Qiao Mu'er, so she didn't even have time to ask - she opened the door almost subconsciously.

When the door was opened, a handsome and wicked face appeared in front of Su Qing with a cold and cold look.

Joe Mohan! ! !

The next second, Su Qing closed the door without even thinking about it.

But the man's big, well-defined palm slammed against the door.

"Director Su—" Qiao Mohan almost gritted his teeth, spit out a low and stern voice from the depths of his throat.

"Rejecting my pursuit in public, but abducting my daughter to your house in a blink of an eye. Su Qing, is this your hard-to-find trick? Oh, it seems that I underestimated you."

Qiao Mohan's face was ashen, his long and narrow Danfeng eyes were slightly raised, with a deep chill.

After being rejected by Su Qing that day, he almost thought that Su Qing might really be a serious woman who had no interest in his pursuit and only cared about work.

Even, as arrogant as Qiao Shao, he once reflected on his own practices.

He has always only played emotional games with those women who took the initiative to climb the bed, throw their bags, and want to be higher.

But for partners who are conscientious and only talk about work, no matter whether they are men or women, they will not mess around.

On the set that day, Su Qing said that she only regarded herself as a 'boss, investor, and partner'. What Qiao Mohan saw in her eyes was seriousness, not hard-to-play.

So, he chose to believe.

Although he lost face, he did not find fault again.

However, this damn woman... When he was patient not to look for her, she actually caused trouble again.

He kidnapped Mu'er and took him to her house - oh, is this for him to come over directly? !

This woman is really scheming.

[First update, next chapter before 18:30]

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