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"Qiao Mohan, you are so crazy!" Su Qing didn't bother to talk nonsense with this man at all, she patted his hand and wanted to pull the door back.

But just as she touched Qiao Mohan, his little hand was held back by him.

"Heh, Su Qing—since you brought me here, why pretend to be arrogant. You are a woman who really needs to be cleaned up..."

After saying that, Qiao Mohan sneered, and the corners of Xie Si's lips evoked a cold arc.

The next second, Su Qing suddenly pulled over, closed the door with one hand, and pressed her to the large sofa in the living room.

This high-end apartment is not large in size, and there is a sofa next to the wall to the right after entering the door.

Su Qing didn't have time to react, so she was pushed down on the sofa by Qiao Mohan!

The man's tall and sturdy body pressed Su Qing firmly. Su Qing only wore a set of pajamas, silk texture, top and bottom styles.

Qiao Mohan's right hand slipped into the hem of the pajamas with ease, and went up along Su Qing's soft waist——

"Hey..." At this moment, a muffled sound came out of Qiao Mohan's mouth.

The left forearm that he buckled on Su Qingxiang's shoulder was bitten by Su Qing reluctantly.

The woman's red lips parted slightly, revealing her white teeth.

Su Qing tilted her head, not letting go of Qiao Mohan's wheat-colored forearm.

And her watery apricot eyes stared at Qiao Mohan's handsome face that she had loved and resented deeply.

Those almond eyes seemed to be accusing—with deep hatred.

For some reason, just seeing the hatred in Su Qing's eyes, Qiao Mohan's heart slammed, and a bigger fire ignited.

He didn't like this woman and looked at him with such eyes.

He did not allow this woman to hate him.

Even for no reason, he could hardly care about this woman's seduction of his mind, as well as her deep scheming - Qiao Mohan only wanted her to surrender to himself.

just like those others,

A woman who wants to be in the top position and wants to climb the bed is like a woman who just needs to stay beside him obediently, like a gilded cat.

"Shut up." Qiao Mohan didn't cry out in pain, but warned Su Qing with a sullen face.

But the woman bit his arm but didn't move, just looked at him coldly.

That look seemed to say, 'If you don't let go, I won't let go'.

Qiao Mohan's right hand was still covering her soft cotton.

If he doesn't take it away, Su Qing won't let go of anything.

Seeing Su Qing's stubbornness, Qiao Mohan stopped talking nonsense.

He had a gloomy face, a dark light flashed across his phoenix eyes, and his right hand started to move again.

Qiao Mohan's big hand easily touched Su Qing's back, put it behind her underwear, and made a gesture to unbutton her underwear.

Su Qing was so frightened that her whole body trembled, the strength in her mouth increased, and her teeth were deeply embedded in the man's arm muscles, leaving not only the gums, but even red blood overflowing from the corners of her mouth.

But Qiao Mohan didn't stop.

The sword eyebrows that flew diagonally into the temples were deeply twisted, snap—

Unbuttoned underwear.

Qiao Mohan's big hand lifted the last layer of restraint, and then went down to pull off Su Qing's pajama pants.

Su Qing was already trembling with anger.

At this moment, she has clearly realized that she has no strength to stop Qiao Mohan's forced attack in rage.

Even though, her teeth had long since been deeply embedded in his muscles.

He couldn't shake it at all, he moved further.

But no, don't...don't want...

She didn't want to be forced by Qiao Mohan in this way...

Su Qing finally let go of her mouth, and blood slid out from the corner of her lips.

She put her hands on Qiao Mohan's powerful chest, and all the skills that can usually compete with men are useless.

Qiao Mohan's eyes flashed a bloodthirsty dark light, but he did not slow down because of Su Qing's refusal.

He really wants to come, he really wants to be stronger than himself!

At this moment, Su Qing clearly felt Qiao Mohan's madness.

She couldn't help roaring: "Qiao Mohan, you lunatic, let me go—"

"Aunt Su Qing... Aunt Su Qing... woo woo... Aunt Su Qing... Where are you?"

Suddenly, the cry belonging to the little girl came from the bedroom, completely blocking Qiao Mohan's last movements.

[Update completed, see you at 6 o'clock tomorrow night~]

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