( ) "..." Su Qing was silent. Because of Qiao Mohan's questioning, she suddenly discovered the abnormality just now. Even if she didn't want to face it, she had to admit that just now, when she suddenly heard Qiao Mohan asking her for her opinion, her heart was angry and excited. If you really don't care, how can you show such a reaction? She had experienced what it was like to be like stagnant water... Su Qing was stunned for a while and suddenly laughed at herself in her heart. Hehe... What happened to her... She was somehow moved by a blind date of Qiao Mohan. A blind date who suddenly appeared, actually made her long-awaited heart wrinkle a pool of spring water. Su Qing was hesitant in her heart. She knew that this was wrong, very wrong, but facing Qiao Mohan - she decided to find the place first. Su Qing raised her eyes and looked at the man who was focusing on her face, not missing the slightest change in her mood: "Yes, I admit, I did have emotions just now. But it wasn't because I was jealous, it was because I was worried... I I'm worried about your vision, that Miss Ren just now is obviously not suitable for Mu'er." I'm sorry, little Mu'er... Aunt Su Qing has nothing to do, so she pushed you out as an excuse. Because Auntie couldn't let your Daddy know that for a moment just now, Auntie was really angry for a woman who shouldn't be angry. In her heart, Su Qing quietly apologized to Little Mu'er. She really doesn't recognize Ren Hanlei, just because of her actions just now, she doesn't think she is a suitable candidate to take care of Mu'er. But Su Qing can deceive Qiao Mohan but can't deceive herself. She knew very well that when she heard Qiao Mohan's reaction when she asked her opinion just now, in addition to worrying about Mu'er, a large part of it was due to other reasons. Some things that were hidden deep in her heart and had long been forgotten by her, for other reasons. Qiao Mohan raised his eyebrows, his eyes were sharp and threatening: "Oh, is that so? So, do you think Xiaolei is not qualified for Mrs. Qiao's position?" Su Qing looked at those deep and narrow phoenix eyes, her heart jumped . She kept her voice as calm as possible and her attitude as fair as possible: "Yes, Miss Ren may have a good family background, a beautiful person, or a good education and personality. If you don't have Mu'er, she may be very suitable for marriage. You. But...she is not suitable to be Mu'er's mother, obviously, she doesn't really like Mu'er from the bottom of her heart." Whether she likes a child or not,

You can tell by looking in one's eyes. Every child is a little angel. Seeing them will naturally melt your heart and soften your sight. If Ren Hanlei likes Qiao Mu'er, she will not look at Mu'er so coldly. Qiao Mohan frowned and said casually: "This is troublesome... I listened to your words and specially selected all the ladies of the age of China. They are all well educated and have a good reputation in the upper class... Xiaolei is one of the best among them." "My elders and I, Xiaolei is my favorite at present. I didn't expect...she doesn't like Mu'er at all." Speaking of this, Qiao Mohan frowned deeply: "Miss Su, are you sure your judgment is correct?" "I'm sure!" Su Qing answered Qiao Mohan's scrutinizing gaze generously. Hearing Qiao Mohan say that he likes Ren Hanlei, Su Qing instantly felt worried. This time, no more personal feelings are mixed in. She is purely worried for Qiao Mu'er. Even the blind date selected by the Qiao family did not love Qiao Mu'er wholeheartedly. If that's the case... She really doesn't know what the final stepmother chosen by the Qiao family will look like. Obviously not her own daughter, but she couldn't let it go since she saw Qiao Muer for the first time. The more we get along, the more I want to be nice to Mu'er. Even if Su Qing knew that one day she and Qiao Muer would be separated, she wanted to give her the last. After listening to Su Qing's words, Qiao Mohan nodded clearly: "It seems that you are more attentive than us when it comes to Mu'er. In this case... all the blind date people in the future will ask you to take a look. For the sake of Mu'er, You won't refuse, will you?" Su Qing: "..." [Update completed, happy new year babies, good luck, eat chicken every day! During the Chinese New Year, the update is still at 6 pm. If I finish writing earlier, I will update it earlier, huh~]

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