( ) Su Qing was inexplicable, so she took on the burden of taking a look at Qiao Mohan and testing blind date candidates. By the time she reacted, she was already on the pirate ship. It wasn't until this time that Su Qing remembered that the dignified young master Qiao, in addition to being known in the circle for his unruly personality, was actually more praised for his "cunning like a fox" approach in the shopping mall. It's just that the image of Huaxin Dashao is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so she forgets the other side of his danger and cunning. Su Qing finished her dinner with a stomach full of anger. If it wasn't because Qiao Muer came later, it wouldn't be easy for her to have a seizure. She really wanted to make it clear to Qiao Mohan again that she couldn't do this job, and she couldn't do it anymore. Then, after a meal, she didn't find a suitable opportunity. "Mom Su Qing, Mu'er is sleepy..." After eating dessert, Qiao Mu'er leaned on Su Qing. The little hands wrapped around her neck and didn't let go, she used her little head softly to rub against her soft and comfortable chest. Obviously, his biological father, Qiao Mohan, was by the side, but Qiao Muer didn't want it. She just hugged Su Qing and didn't let go. The little guy used to be in Qiao's house, and Qiao Mohan was the one who liked sticking the most. But since I met Su Qing, it's been very strange, going around Su Qing every day. Can hold and not hold, can hold and not let go, anyway...how to get close to Su Qing. It's no wonder that Ren Hanlei had mistakenly thought they were mother and daughter when she saw them just now. As far as Qiao Muer's stickiness is concerned, if you say that Su Qing is not a mother, I'm afraid no one will believe it. "It's inconvenient for you to drive with Mu'er in your arms. I'll take you back." Qiao Mohan got up and said slightly domineering. Su Qing also got up holding the sleepy little Mu'er, and politely said, "No need, I bought a baby chair for Mu'er to put in the car, and I can drive by myself." Qiao Mohan turned back and glanced at her, the enchanting phoenix With a look of indifference in her eyes: "Su Qing, you are not afraid of me, are you?" "Who, who said...Why should I be afraid of you." Crazy, she is afraid of what he will do, don't those who are ashamed Should it be him? "Since you're not afraid, let's go together. You leave the car keys, and I'll ask the assistant to drive it back for you." Qiao Mohan's tone was light, but he couldn't refuse. "I..." "Don't worry, I'm not interested in you at all right now." Qiao Mohan gave her a deep look and blocked Su Qing's haul. "You take good care of Mu'er,

I can see that she is very happy to follow you, so I am more willing to believe your words. You're right, maybe... I really should give Mu'er a decent home. I accepted your advice and started a blind date... So, you don't have to be afraid of me, I'm not interested in you. "Su Qing was speechless, she didn't think he was still interested in her at all. She didn't want to be with him, just because she didn't like it, that feeling would make her feel uncomfortable and inexplicably resist. But if you want to get to the bottom of— In fact, she really didn't have to refuse. Because she didn't like him for a long time, and she didn't have to be afraid of a man who was not in her heart. So, Su Qing didn't say anything more, and handed the key to Qiao Mo Han's assistant, generously hugged Mu'er and got into his car. The driver drove the car fast and steady. In the back seat, Qiao Mohan and Su Qing sat on the side. Little Mu'er was well-behaved She was lying in Su Qing's arms, her curled eyelashes twitched slightly occasionally, her lips curved, and she seemed to be sleeping very sweetly. Seeing her sleeping face like this, Su Qing's uneasy heart just now became peaceful. Come down. At this time, Qiao Mohan, who was sitting on the side, suddenly approached—— "You, what are you doing..." Seeing the tall man's figure leaning over from the corner of his eyes, Su Qing instinctively retreated to the side. Qiao Mohan was dry and warm. Palm, firmly grabbed her wrist to prevent her from escaping. "Miss Su, you are too sensitive... I just wanted to see Mu'er..." Su Qing's face turned pale, then suddenly flushed. It turned out that Qiao Mohan really just came over and got closer, and there was no other movement. At that moment, she was completely crooked, and she was too sensitive. [Next chapter before 18:30]

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