"Xiaoqing, this is your baby, you...are you stupid, why did you want to kill this baby?!"

Xin Luo frowned deeply, and there was a layer of water in her beautiful peach eyes.

What is Xiaoqing doing?

How difficult it is for this child to come.

This is her hard-won child.

Even if Qiao Mohan is not good, it is Qiao Mohan's fault and has nothing to do with the child!

Just look at Xiao Qing's attitude towards Mu'er.

She loves children so much and loves her children.

In her dreams, she wanted to be aboveboard, holding Mu'er in her arms, and telling Mu'er that she was Mu'er's mommy.

It is impossible for such a mother who loves her child so affectionately to say "want to kill the child".

However, Su Qing shook her head, rejecting Xin Luo's dissuasion.

The hand she grasped on Xinluo's wrist subconsciously tightened.

It seemed that he had exhausted all his strength to make such a decision——

"Lolo, I'm not impulsive. I don't make up my mind when I'm hotheaded. I asked you to help me after careful consideration..."

"Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be born without a father? Children who grow up in single-parent families will not be happy, they won't..."

Su Qing thought of a lot.

The former Youyou grew up with Lu Yuchen.

For a long time, he was indifferent and unwilling to get close to others. He only had a father and no mother.

Later, An'an and Dudu, even if they had mommy, uncle, and grandparents who loved them by their side.

But love missing is love missing.

An An was awkward and restless at times when she was a child.

Although Dudu is a cute and sweet little angel, Dudu is also extremely insecure.

I always like to act like a baby and want to be accompanied by others. This is the psychological shadow caused by the lack of companionship since childhood.

Not to mention Qiao Muer - Su Qing's own daughter, her own baby.

During the days when the Qiao family and Qiao Muer got along, Su Qing had already seen Qiao Muer's uneasiness.

Her arrogance and domineering, her unruly willfulness, she likes to make troubles to attract the attention of adults, and she ran away from home at a young age.

So many, so many, in the eyes of outsiders, may be the fault of bear children. In fact, which one is not the responsibility of parents?

"It's the parents' fault to be born but not to be raised, but isn't it the parents' fault to raise but not teach? Since we can't give this child a healthy and warm home, why should we let her suffer in this world? "

Su Qing grabbed Xin Luo's hand, raised her eyes to look at her, and there was an extremely firm belief in those eyes.

Su Qing herself has had enough.

Had enough of losing my mother and being neglected by my father as a child.

She wanted her child to be loved by her parents. She didn't want her next child to repeat the same mistakes after Mu'er had an unhappy childhood.

"..." Xin Luo wavered for a moment.

She looked at Su Qing's bright and firm eyes, and suddenly thought of her past with Lu Yuchen.

Back then, they also let down a few children in this way.

Perhaps, only she can understand Xiaoqing's mood at this moment.

"Otherwise...how about you marrying cousin Xi, or Yi Nanfeng? You know the situation of my cousin. Even if he can't give you love, he can give you a healthy family and the respect you deserve. He will treat you well." Your child is well."

"If you mind that Cousin Xi has other people in his heart, you can also choose Yi Nanfeng. I can see that he loves you, maybe he can accept..."

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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