"No, no, Lolo..."

Su Qing shook her head, still shaking her head.

"In addition to the reason just now, there is a second point. I can't give birth to this child, not only because it would be unfair to him, but also because it would be unfair to Mu'er."

Speaking of this, Su Qing's strength in her hands was stronger than before, and even the knuckles in her fingers turned white.

It was too difficult for her to tell, but this was the most important and fundamental reason.

"I don't dare to have this baby, I really don't dare... If I take this baby, marry other men, and form a family, then we will be a happy family of three. Lolo, have you ever thought about it? At that time , what should my Mu'er do? What should she do?"

"I already have a complete family, and the judge will definitely not award Mu'er to me... At that time, my Mu'er, she will be sad and sad, and will think that her mother has abandoned her...stay in the same place as before. She is alone, don't want her..."

Speaking of this, Su Qing broke down in tears.

Because she felt sorry for Mu'er, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

She hugged Xinluo and cried until she couldn't make a sound.

To her, the two children are both meat and her heart.

Giving up which one would be a more painful torture for her than Ling Chi.

But she was already sorry for Mu'er, deeply sorry, she missed Mu'er's growth and left Mu'er alone in Qiao's house.

Although that was not her original intention, the fact is that for Mu'er, a child who is so sensible that it makes people feel distressed, she was abandoned by her own mother.

As soon as she thought of this, Su Qing's heart tightened like a pain.

She has always owed Mu'er, if she had to choose a child, she... no matter what, she couldn't let go of Mu'er's hand.

"Okay, okay, Xiaoqing, don't cry...you don't want it if you say no, we will listen to you, okay? You should calm down first, anyway, you still have a small belly and you still have time. I...we will think about it later Find a way, and then think of a way...you let me think about it first, don't rush to make a decision."

At this time, Xin Luo could only delay Su Qing by delaying the attack.

She doesn't blame Xiaoqing for being cruel to the baby in her stomach, she knows why Xiaoqing has such considerations.

They are all mothers. If they were not desperate, no mother would treat their children like this.


Xin Luo hugged the fragile Su Qing tightly in her arms.

Her peach blossom eyes, already stained red with tears, shimmered.

Xinluo told herself that she must make Xiaoqing happy, and she must help her to keep both children firmly.

After venting her crying, Su Qing's mood finally stabilized.

Xin Luo asked Su Qing to be sent back to Lu's house to rest.

As for herself, she drove to Junyu Hotel by herself.

At this moment, Mrs. Qiao, Jiang Manyun, was drinking afternoon tea with other ladies and wives in the coffee shop of Junyu Hotel.

When Xin Luo came to the hotel entrance, Sadie, who had already received the news and was waiting here, delivered several large shopping bags containing baby clothes and baby products to her.

Sadie was puzzled: "Miss, why did you suddenly tell me to buy these things, do you...have them again?"

The eldest lady and Lu Yuchen love each other, and the two couples have now given birth to four children.

Sadie was not at all surprised by their ability to create humans.

But last time I heard from the eldest lady that she has been taking medicine for contraception and doesn't want to have another baby.

Sadie wondered, could it be that there is a problem with the efficacy of the medicine and it doesn't work?

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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