Makeup artist Nicole: "Mr. An, you haven't had breakfast yet... I'm sorry, I thought you had eaten before you came here. Why didn't you say it just now..."

Although there are many people in this circle who follow the red and step on the white, and watch people order food.

But there are quite a few people who work professionally and don't care about these gossips.

Nicole, the make-up artist on the crew of "Two Lives Flower", is such a person. She just puts on her own makeup and does her own thing well.

Because of the outside world's evaluation of An Liuli, she will not wear colored glasses on her.

But if An Liuli really played big and made things difficult for them, they would discuss it in private.

However, because of the convenience of work, when the makeup artists gather together to laugh and discuss, most of them rely on their own contacts to obtain first-hand information and have well-founded discussions.

Instead of just saying a few words on the Internet like other people, spreading rumors and thinking that I really have insight into the secrets of the circle.

"It's okay..." An Liuli pursed her lips, and her delicate eyebrows and eyes became even more attractive after putting on makeup, "Anyway, my assistant buys a lot, so let's eat together. It's still so cold now, it's comfortable to drink some hot porridge."

When An Liuli said this, the makeup artist was even more embarrassed, and quickly said, "Mr. An, eat first, and I will touch up your makeup later."

Not only the make-up artist, but also the crew and other actors and staff who hadn't eaten breakfast, all came over when they smelled the fragrance and heard An Liuli's call.

Although An Liuli had doubts about the identity of 'Iger', she highly praised the things Iger bought.

Hanhaixuan's morning tea also bought such a large table, enough to feed more than 20 people.

But everyone in the crew was very polite, most of them had breakfast, and at this time they just wanted to taste some of the legendary Han Haixuan's morning tea to satisfy their appetite.

Because of An Liuli's kind hospitality, many people in the public dressing room came over to get a snack or two.

The so-called cannibalism is soft-mouthed and short-handed.

These people have eaten An Liuli's food, and when they talk about An Liuli in private in the future, they always have to be polite.

At this time, An Liuli was almost done eating, and the makeup artist immediately took the initiative to re-do the makeup for her.

After putting on makeup, it was almost time to shoot her first scene. An Liuli took her 'new assistant' Iger and went to the shooting scene calmly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked out of the dressing room and turned a corner, An Liuli dragged Iger into an empty rest room.

The door was locked, and An Liuli looked warily at Iger, who was dressed as a foreigner.

"Say, who sent you from the company? How can you, a new assistant, get so much money to buy Hanhaixuan's breakfast? No, Hanhaixuan is not the one who can pack so much morning tea at this peak dining time with just money. Restaurant. Say...Did Mr. Xie send you here? Or Mr. Wen? "

At this moment, An Liuli's slender phoenix eyes were completely narrowed.

She couldn't guess Iger's background.

But her intuition told her that the person who could spend such a large amount of money to arrange a so-called assistant by her side was probably Xie Fangyu, or Wen Yancheng himself.

The reason is simple.

Xie Fangyu wanted to please Wen Feiyan, but she was afraid that Wen Feiyan had suffered from her loss last night, so she ran back and cried to Xie Fangyu.

In order to please her stepdaughter, Xie Fangyu naturally wanted to put someone beside her to 'monitor' her.

It is even simpler to guess that Wen Yancheng's reason is that Wen Yancheng is more powerful than Xie Fangyu.

And he loves his daughter, Wen Feiyan sheds some tears, Wen Yancheng can settle everything for her.

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