At this moment, An Liuli had to look at Iger vigilantly, her glass-like eyes were full of scrutiny of the blond man in front of her.

Although she was in the public dressing room just now, she used the morning tea brought by Iger to 'bribe' the other actors and staff present, and regained her favorability.

But as soon as she thought about it, the so-called assistant in front of her was probably her own biological mother, or her stepfather arranged to tie up Wen Feiyan to monitor her.

An Liuli felt uncomfortable all over.

"Miss An, you have misunderstood. I am not sent by your company, nor are you sent by the two people you said. Sorry, I just caused unnecessary trouble outside, and I concealed my real identity. Actually Come on, I am sent by Master Cesare."

The blond man in front of him looked at An Liuli and said respectfully.

For some reason, when he opened his mouth to speak, the aura of an assistant boy that he showed just now disappeared, and instead he was replaced with an indescribable respect and courtesy.

An Liuli couldn't help asking: "Cesar, who?"

She didn't remember knowing a man by that name.

The blond-haired and blue-eyed Iger nodded slightly and said: "This is the name of my honorable master, Master Cesare Reddington. I am his personal bodyguard, Iger. The master ordered me to come and help Miss An, and everything must be obeyed by Miss An. Dispatch, from today I will be Miss An's personal assistant."

"Reddington...?" An Liuli opened her delicate mouth slightly, and the next moment, a certain man's deep black phoenix eyes flashed in her mind.

The only people she knew who were related to the word Reddington were Yue Ze and the young lady.

But what Iger said was clearly 'Master', so it must have nothing to do with the young lady of the Reddington family who helped her get this role.

Then, the only man who can be called Master Reddington is——

An revealed: "The young master you mentioned is Yue Ze?"

Although it was doubtful, An Liuli was almost 100% sure.

In the meantime, Iger nodded slightly, and replied calmly: "Yes, the young master called me early this morning, because something happened suddenly, I went to Hanhaixuan to buy some breakfast and then it was too late to deliver it. I didn't let Miss An go early It is my responsibility to have breakfast. Sorry, Miss An. "

After finishing speaking, Iger suddenly bowed towards An Liuli, lowered his head, and bowed almost less than ninety degrees.

This posture frightened An Liuli a little.

Even if she likes to 'bully' Yue Ze in private, she also wants to 'bully' his people by the way.

But it still made her feel awkward to see a man as big as Iger, bowing to her lower than ninety degrees.

"Get up, I didn't even know about this beforehand, how can I blame you. Don't bow your head, get up, get up, I have something to ask you."

She was still hiding her problems, and hurried to help Iger up.

Iger naturally listened to An Liuli for everything, so he immediately stood at attention and obeyed An Liuli's dispatch.

Because Iger's order from Yue Ze was that he must completely obey An Liuli's arrangement.

Therefore, when An Liuli and the hundred thousand why babies kept asking him questions, Iger answered them all honestly.

For example--

An Liuli: "Yue your young master, why did he send you to be my assistant?"

Iger: "Because the young master said that you are helpless and need help, so he sent me over."

An Liuli: "..."

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