
[Makeup artist Nicole V]: After a long time, you will naturally know who I'm talking about... Anyway, time can prove everything, and you can also see a person clearly. As a staff member of the crew, it is inconvenient for me to say more, I understand it naturally.

After Nicole said this, she didn't dare to send other messages.

Although she was very angry and wanted to reveal Wen Feiyan's true face.

But she is still working on the crew of "Two Lives and Flowers", so she shouldn't say too much about the inside story of some of the crew.

Nicole closed Weibo, and there was a mess under her comments again, but this time she didn't care.

At the same time, on the other side, Wen Feiyan frowned and asked Li Yongmei in the lounge: "Didn't I ask you to monitor Yue Ze, why are you back?"

Li Yongmei: "I watched, Yue Ze came out of the lounge about half an hour after you left."

Wen Feiyan's eyes lit up: "Then did you see who came out with him?"

Li Yongmei: "No, he's the only one. I wanted to continue to wait, but the assistant director saw me, and he asked me to hurry up and inform you that the filming started ahead."

Li Yongmei's words can drive Wen Feiyan to death.

What a waste, he can't even do a secret surveillance.

But when she thought about it, she could have a kiss scene with Yue Ze immediately, and the depression in her heart dissipated a lot.

All night last night, Wen Feiyan's mind was filled with the scene of witnessing Yue Ze and An Liuli's intimate scene on the set that day.

Thinking of the man taking off his abstinence and indifference and leaning over An Liuli, the coldness and ruthlessness, the sexiness is enough to make any woman's blood spurt.

Wen Feiyan wanted to be treated like that by Yue Ze, wanted him to stare at her with dark blue eyes, and kiss her fiercely.

If Yue Ze can taste her taste, she is sure that Yue Ze will know her taste from now on.

Wen Feiyan didn't believe that she would be worse than An Liuli's oil bottle.

"Forget it..." Wen Feiyan stroked her hair indifferently, and said to Li Yongmei.

"Hurry up and see if my makeup and hairstyle are perfect enough. The identity of that woman will be investigated later. Now... I just need to meet Yue Ze quickly and let him fall in love with me."


After a while, Wen Feiyan finally got dressed properly, walked towards the studio with the support of Li Yongmei, stepping on graceful lotus steps.

In the studio, the interior scene has been set up.

Today we are going to shoot the scene where Wen Feiyan and Yue Ze meet for the first time.

The plot is very simple, because the president's special elevator is overhauled, and Mo Chenyuan, played by Yue Ze, condescends to use the employee elevator.

And he just happened to be in the elevator and bumped into Zheng Meixue who was reporting on the first day.

Zheng Meixue is a new employee, and she doesn't know the distinguished president.

As soon as the elevator reached the 7th floor, it suddenly got stuck, and then it was pitch black.

Zheng Meixue was timid, she screamed in fright, and kept squeezing the CEO.

Mo Chenyuan, who originally didn't want to have too much contact with people, was forced to hug Zheng Meixue like this.

Mo Chenyuan, who almost never took the initiative to hug a woman, felt soft and petite differently from before when he hugged Zheng Meixue.

He even smelled the fresh and sweet fragrance of her hair.

There was a moment of absence, and Zheng Meixue kept screaming after hugging him tightly next to her ears.

Mo Chenyuan warned coldly: "Woman, shut up."

But Zheng Meixue was so frightened that she was still screaming.

This voice obviously aroused the displeasure of the CEO, Mo Chenyuan pinched Zheng Meixue's chin, lowered his head and blocked the little mouth that upset him.

In this way, the first kiss between Zheng Meixue and Mo Chenyuan came to fruition.

The above is written in the script of "Two Lives and Flowers", where the male protagonist Mo Chenyuan and the female protagonist Zheng Meixue met for the first time.

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