
In the studio, everything is ready.

When Wen Feiyan arrived, she saw Yue Ze standing next to Director Han Shuo and looking down at the script.

His tall and straight body, his beautiful and stern face, and his indifferent blue eyes will undoubtedly always become the focus of the audience.

Seeing Yue Ze like this, the corners of Wen Feiyan's lips rose slightly.

So what if the man probably just had sex with another woman in the break room?

It is absolutely impossible for such an excellent man to have only one woman. Wen Feiyan believes that Yue Ze will definitely not refuse her approach.

"Yanyan, you are here."

"Fei Yan, come on!"

Many staff members greeted Wen Feiyan when they saw her.

Wen Feiyan smiled softly one by one, unlike a popular actress who has been famous for many years.

Seeing Wen Feiyan like this, the staff couldn't help discussing in private, how could there be such a polite and friendly big-name star.

Sure enough, everyone who is a lady and a wealthy daughter is well-bred.

"Director Han, Yue Ze, I'm ankle still hurts a bit, and I've been delayed by my actions. I'm late, sorry..."

As soon as Wen Feiyan approached the director and Yue Ze, she gently apologized for her late arrival.

In fact, she wasn't too late, because Yue Ze couldn't come out temporarily in the lounge, and the director arranged for her to go back to fix her makeup and rest.

As soon as the assistant director notified, she came over.

But Wen Feiyan's attitude left others speechless.

Even Director Han, who was a little unhappy with her just now, couldn't help but soften his expression, and said with concern: "It doesn't matter, it's not too late for us to start. Be careful when you walk around when your foot is injured, and I will wait for you to behave well later. Can't get hurt any more."

"Thank you Director Han, I will pay attention."

There was tenderness in Wen Feiyan's eyes, and she looked at Yue Ze after she finished speaking.

"Yoseze, please give me more advice later. I...maybe fine for other scenes, but the kiss scene... I'm not afraid of your jokes. In fact, I have never been in a relationship, and I have no kissing experience, so I will... ...I can only trouble you to take me with you."

As she spoke, Wen Feiyan lowered her head involuntarily, her hair slid down her smooth neck, revealing a small half of her reddish side face.

Never been in a relationship, never kissed, these are deliberately told to Yue Ze and others.

Wen Feiyan's position in the entertainment industry is that of a wealthy, gentle and kind-hearted female star.

Many of her fans like to flaunt her cleanliness and self-love, unlike many actresses in the circle who need to sell their bodies to be superior, because they were born into a wealthy family, so there are no unspoken rules.

Men, on the other hand, want their woman to be as beautiful as a flower, but also to be pure and innocent. It just so happens...Wen Feiyan meets such positioning needs.

Han Shuo was slightly taken aback when he heard Wen Feiyan's words.

He thought that Wen Feiyan's external image was just a publicity effect, but he didn't expect Miss Wen to have never been in a relationship when she grew up so old.

"It's okay, Yue Ze's last kiss scene was filmed very well, just let him teach you more when the time comes. Isn't it Yue Ze?"

With that said, Director Han looked at the man beside him.

"...Mmm." Yue Ze's cold pupils dimmed, and he responded from his nasal cavity.

At this moment, a swaying figure of a woman came slowly not far away.

An Liuli appeared in everyone's sight from far to near.

The already beautiful woman, in order to match Zheng Meiyi's character, abandoned the cute and fresh look of the past, and after putting on flaming red lips, she looks like a sexy stunner.

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