
For a while, Director Han was a little uncomfortable.

Almost didn't know how to answer An Liuli's words.

He really doubted whether An Liuli had any consciousness of being a female star.

No matter how you say, female idols should be gentle, generous and beautiful, or they are also sweet and cute, how can there be anyone like her, she is simply a mudslide among female stars.

Han Shuo: "Cough... Thank you, thank you for reminding me."

"It's right to relieve Director Han's worries. Director Han has worked hard." An Liuli raised her red lips, smiled lightly and lifted up her long hair, pinning the strands of hair that fell by her ears behind her ears.

Her slender and fair fingers were faintly visible in her satin-like black long hair. Taking advantage of that porcelain-white and charming little face, it was easy for people to stare at her.

Beautiful, so beautiful...

Although Director Han Shuo had heard rumors about An Liuli's plastic surgery, from a director's point of view, An Liuli's face looks really good.

Not only is it not stiff at all, but very natural.

In the blink of an eye, that small face was delicate and charming, and there was no trace of inferior quality artificially crafted in any expression such as eyebrows, chuckles, lip curls, slight anger, or anger.

On the contrary, it gives people a natural and beautiful feeling.

"An Liuli, come here..." Just as director Han Shuo was observing An Liuli with admiration, a cold voice suddenly came from behind.

It's Koshizawa.

"Yue Ze..." Director Han Shuo turned his head and found that Yue Ze's face was slightly gloomy, and his dark blue phoenix eyes were dark and gloomy, as if they were covered with a layer of frost.

Director Han immediately realized what was going on.

It must be Wen Feiyan's irresponsible and unprofessional performance just now, which made Yue Ze, who is a rival and producer at the same time, angry.

Han Shuo knew that Yue Ze had higher requirements for actors than him.

He sometimes compromises with capital, but Yue Ze doesn't need it.

So Director Han immediately comforted him: "Yue Ze, don't pay too much attention to Wen Feiyan's matter, she is a young lady with a temper, it's okay. Let's ignore her for now and take the scene between you and An Liuli, and I will see you later Go and talk to Wen Feiyan in person."

Although Wen Feiyan is a big name, no matter how big she is, she is not as famous as Yue Ze.

It is true that Wen's also invested in this film, but compared to Yue Ze, Wen's is not a big investor at all.

Wen Feiyan occasionally throws a temper tantrum on the set, and it's okay to vent her anger with others, but if she confronts Yue Ze, then she is too ignorant of flattery.

Director Han Shuo thought he could see clearly, and even comforted Yue Ze with soft words.

Unexpectedly, after hearing his words, Yue Ze raised his eyebrows coldly, and said in a flat tone: "I'm here to find An Liuli."

Han Shuo: "Huh?"

Didn't you talk about Wen Feiyan?

Yue Ze's tone was still cold: "Next, I will shoot the 14th, 19th, and 26th scenes with her. If you don't want to keep delaying the progress, get out of the, it will affect our scene."

Han Shuo: "..."

Damn, how dare Yue Ze suddenly come out from behind just now, just want to play with An Liuli?

For some reason, Director Han suddenly felt like he was a light bulb.

He couldn't afford to offend the old man Yue Ze, not to mention that because of Wen Feiyan making such a fuss, the crew's progress would indeed be slowed down.

Director Han didn't dare to delay, and quickly said: "Okay, I'll let them change the scenery."

It wasn't until he walked away that Yue Ze walked towards An Liuli with the script as if no one else was around.

He came to An Liuli, stood still, and looked down at her.

In the man's blue and narrow phoenix eyes, only the shadow of An Liuli can be reflected.

At this moment, Yue Ze used a voice that only the two of them could hear, and asked in a low voice: "Liuli, am I doing well, huh?"

【The next chapter around 18:50】

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