Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 91 Don't let An Liuli embarrass the Wen family


Koshize's eyes are as deep as the sea, mixed with bits and pieces of light.

I don't know why, but when An Liuli saw such a pair of eyes, three words flashed in her mind unconsciously - praise.

"Cough..." An Liuli lowered her head and cleared her throat, "Not bad, keep up the good work."

"Yeah." Yue Ze snorted lightly, his expression was still indifferent from an outsider's point of view, but An Liuli had an illusion.

I always felt that the man's soft hum just now contained a trace of imperceptible pleasure.

The man turned the page of the script, as if he was playing against An Liuli.

But what he said was—"Come up tonight, I'll wait for you in the room."

An Liuli raised her head instantly, a look of astonishment flashed in her crystal clear eyes: "No, we did it last night. I did what I should do, and I want to rest tonight."

She obviously just made a deal with him last night, so it's a deal.

Even if she promises to maintain that relationship with him, she can't always be demanded by him=excessively, she still needs to rest.

Yue Ze's eyes gradually darkened: "...Okay, then you have a good rest."

The man didn't press hard, nor did he force An Liuli.

At this point, this topic is over, and instead began to be serious about the script.

This surprised An Liuli.

In a sense, Yue Ze's current status is like her 'golden master'.

Although it wasn't the sponsor who gave money, it was also the sponsor who gave resources to suppress another heroine in the same crew for her.

Therefore, if he insisted, she might really have to go up to accompany him.

However, Yue Ze did not continue to press, but instead let An Liuli breathe a sigh of relief.

The two quickly entered the role, and the next few scenes that required the two to be on the same mirror, but did not affect the direction of the plot, were filmed very smoothly.

Later, Wen Feiyan's 'illness' was still not cured.

After An Liuli and Yue Ze finished filming the afternoon scene, the evening scene was replaced by other actors.



"Daddy... They all bullied me, really, especially that An Liuli. You knew that I was being targeted by the director and screenwriter, but she didn't know how to speak up for me, and even when I stopped filming, she competed for meritorious service. Hmm ...I've heard it all, she was the top one after I left. I heard people say that she slept with the screenwriter and director..."

In the hotel suite, Wen Feiyan was acting like a baby with her father, Wen Yancheng.

On the other end of the phone, Wen Yancheng's calm and serious voice came: "Yanyan, don't talk nonsense. No matter how you say it, Liuli is your aunt's daughter, and she is considered half of the Wen family. Spreading such words will only insult the Wen family. "

"But what they say is the truth, otherwise our company has invested so much money, why would the director and screenwriter target me and cut my role? Daddy, you know, it is impossible for me to flatter this kind of person .An Liuli didn't know how to behave, and used her body for the camera, you must punish her, otherwise this matter will spread, and we, the Wen family, will be ashamed!"

Wen Feiyan didn't care that much, she knew that if she ran away from the set just now, it would definitely have a negative impact on herself.

It is inevitable that the news of her strike will be spread and affect her image.

The most important thing now is to find someone to take the blame and draw the attention of netizens away.

Hearing Wen Feiyan's words, Wen Yancheng's voice was a little colder than before.

"Okay, I know about it. You go out by yourself and film well. You don't have to ask about An Liuli. No matter what, I won't let her embarrass our Wen family."

[Did the backstage change come out, I don’t know if I can see it? Next chapter around 8:00]

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