
just honey?

There was a coolness in Yue Ze's blue eyes.

He wanted to hear more than just honey, he wanted more.

But Yue Ze knew that it was impossible for An Liuli to ask the two words he wanted to hear.

Forget it, step by step.

No longer embarrassing An Liuli, Yue Ze lightly pressed a kiss on her lips, and hugged the little girl leaning against the door.

"Wait, Koshizawa... Didn't you say you want to help me?"

Seeing that An Liuli was about to be thrown onto the bed by Yue Ze, she couldn't help but grab his collar.

Help her, why throw her to bed, shouldn't someone be arranged to clarify for her?

The man lowered his eyes, and there was an unpredictable light in his deep eyes.

"Call me what, huh?"

An Liuli: "..."

This man, let her call it a word, is actually pushing his limits all the time.

But people had to bow their heads under the eaves, An Liuli murmured: "Honey."

"Good boy." Yue Ze put her on the bed, hooked her little chin, bowed his head and kissed her.

It wasn't until he kissed her soft lips that they were slightly red and swollen that he got up and let her go.

An Liuli was a little puzzled, not knowing what Yue Ze was going to do.

In the next moment, he took out his phone and turned on the camera function.

Immediately afterwards, Yue Ze's handsome face came closer and pressed against her small face.

The picture captured on the screen from the selfie camera showed that she and Yue Ze were leaning head to head in front of the pillow, and her red lips were slightly swollen, obviously as if she had just been loved by a man.

After hearing a click, Yue Ze pressed the selfie button.

"You, what are you doing..." An Liuli was taken aback, she didn't expect Yue Ze to press it down.

Yue Ze stared at the screen in satisfaction, without raising his eyelids, "I promised you, I will clarify for you."

"How do you clarify?" An Liuli suddenly felt uneasy.

Yue Ze: "Put this group photo on my Weibo, and those people will be able to shut up. Aren't you hacked, let them know that you are my woman, and naturally you can shut up those people's mouths."

She knows it!

An Liuli almost wanted to cry when she heard Yue Ze's so-called 'method'.

She snatched Yue Ze's cell phone, "Don't send it, you are not helping at all, but making trouble."

An Liuli hid her phone behind her back, and frowned to explain to Yue Ze: "The point of the black material on the Internet now is that I slept with the director and screenwriter and asked them to add scenes to me. It also said that I relied on unspoken rules to steal Wen Feiyan's role. Well...I admit, the latter sentence may be true in a sense. But Director Han and the screenwriter are definitely smearing."

"So now, what I want to do is to clarify, instead of making people feel that I am an actress who relies on my coloring to dominate and exclude others by unspoken rules. Therefore, at this time, I must not be with a big name like you Get involved, understand?"

An Liuli felt that she had made it very clear.

However, after hearing her words, Yue Ze shook his head: "I don't understand."

An Liuli: "What?"

She suspected she had heard wrong.

Yue Ze looked at her, and said with concentration and seriousness: "You, director Han, and the screenwriter are false because they are fake. But Liuli, our relationship is real. After the photos are released, we can formally date. You can get married if you want..."

"No, it's impossible." Before Yue Ze finished speaking, he was interrupted by An Liuli.

"You don't know me at all. I will never get married... I'd rather recite black information and maintain a beneficial relationship with you than get married. This way, it's good for you and me..."

[The update is complete, see you tomorrow night]

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