
It was rare for An Liuli not to argue with Yue Ze, but to say these words with a serious face.

She really wasn't lying to Koshizawa.

For some reason, she has long lost confidence in her family.

Even when she liked Yue Ze the most, she just hoped to be with him and accompany him.

Forming a family, these four words are too heavy for her.

"I deleted this photo for you, and you are not allowed to do such impulsive things in the future." An Liuli deleted the picture on the phone without hesitation.

She handed the phone back to Yue Ze, but the man refused to reach out.

Yue Ze refused to answer, obviously angry.

An Liuli knew clearly that at this moment, she should hug this 'golden master father''s thigh tightly, and not disobey him at will and make him dissatisfied.

After all, there are still so many bad things on the Internet, she is now alone with no background and company support, and the only thigh she can hug is probably Koshizawa.

Thinking of this, An Liuli stuffed the phone back into Yue Ze's hand, took the initiative to prop herself up, and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck.

She softened the volume, and said softly, "Honey, don't be angry anymore... You see, people are so pitiful now, they have to deal with so many troubles, and they are blackmailed by so many people. At this time, if you Get angry with me, and I'll be even sadder."

The woman's voice was delicate.

An Liuli acted coquettishly, making people want to hug her and comfort her.

In the end, Yue Ze could only rub his brows and sighed: "Forget it, I'll call and ask you to take care of the aftermath for you."

Even if she was stubborn enough to make people feel distressed, even if she didn't cooperate at all and said something that could annoy him, but in the end——Yue Ze couldn't bear to really leave her alone.

As for An Liuli, he was probably obsessed with her, no matter what, he just wanted to protect her under his wings and prevent her from being harmed in the slightest.

Yue Ze looked at the little woman looking up at him, rubbed her big hand on the top of her soft hair, opened the phone with the other hand, and called his manager Blanc helplessly.

Blank is now the vice president of Tang Entertainment, in charge of actors and agents. He is an absolute veteran in the circle, with a prominent status.

"Well... that's the way it is, you arrange someone to deal with it..."

An Liuli nestled obediently in Yue Ze's arms, letting him 'smooth' her hair while listening to his phone calls.

She has long known that Yue Ze's thighs are thick and easy to hug, but she still feels that it is too easy for him to arrange it so leisurely.

Just as Yue Ze was talking to Blank, a doorbell suddenly rang from outside.

The doorbell rang loudly and loudly, as if there was something urgent.

An Liuli sat up subconsciously, she was sure that the person who came was not kind.

Could it be Wen Feiyan?

Considering the current relationship between the two, as well as the rumors on the Internet, An Liuli glanced at the man standing by the bed, who was gently rubbing her head.

She pointed in the direction of the bathroom, and mouthed to Yue Ze: "You, go in and hide first?"

Yue Ze frowned, although he was still on the phone, his cold gaze had already landed on An Liuli's small face.

Obviously, the woman's proposal made him very unhappy.

"Go in soon..." An Liuli didn't care about him, the doorbell rang again, she jumped out of bed and pushed Yue Ze into the bathroom.

After pushing the man who was still answering the phone into the bathroom, she closed the door behind her back, pulled on her bathrobe and headed for the door.

Wen Feiyan... It's best not to come and find trouble for her.

However, when An Liuli opened the door and saw the aggressive woman standing outside the door, her beautiful eyes suddenly dimmed.

【The next chapter before 19:00】

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