
"Why are you here?" Seeing the middle-aged woman appearing outside the door, An Liuli asked indifferently.

She did not expect that Xie Fangyu would appear here.

This is the film and television city in City A, at least a few hours' drive from the city.

Xie Fangyu suddenly appeared here... Thinking of the dozens of missed calls she saw when she came out of the bathroom after taking a shower just now.

It's not hard for An Liuli to imagine how anxious Xie Fangyu rushed over.

"You still have the nerve to ask..." Xie Fangyu frowned impatiently, "You caused such a big trouble, do you know..."

Before the words were finished, there was a sudden knocking of the door from the next room in the corridor.

As if afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, Xie Fangyu stopped speaking halfway.

She quickly grabbed An Liuli's sleeve, pushed her into the room, and closed the door smoothly.

At this moment, An Liuli's first reaction was to look towards the bathroom door.

She breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the bathroom door was closed properly.

Fortunately, she pushed Koshizawa into the bathroom and hid it.

Otherwise, if Xie Fangyu sees Yue Ze, I don't know how much trouble it will cause.

"Why are you in a daze? When you see your mother coming, you don't let her in and sit down. What are you doing at the door?"

Seeing that An Liuli was in a daze, Xie Fangyu would just stare in one direction in a daze, as if she couldn't see herself, and the fire in her heart burned even more.

She went through a lot of hardships and a woman dragged An Liuli away from her, and finally married Wen Yancheng, so she could enjoy life in peace.

Just because of An Liuli, she almost couldn't hold her head up in her husband's house.

Xie Fangyu has long been used to speaking to An Liuli in such a tone of hatred.

"You... I don't know how it happened. You have behaved yourself all these years, don't make troubles, are you okay? Why did you suddenly make such a thing? Also, you have been calling me all the time No, you..."

Xie Fangyu frowned while complaining, while walking into the room on her own.

She didn't take to heart what An Liuli said last time at the company that she wanted to sever ties with her.

An Liuli's thoughts had been withdrawn from Yue Ze's body, she looked up at the indifferent Xie Fangyu who was walking in by herself.

The gloom in the bottom of the eyes gradually returned to a deserted one.

For the mother who once depended on each other for life, she no longer has anything to miss.

An Liuli walked behind Xie Fangyu without saying a word, heard her finish the series of complaints, and watched her sit on the sofa very naturally.


Xie Fangyu realized that no matter what she said or did, An Liuli didn't respond, so she stopped.

At this moment, Xie Fangyu frowned slightly while sitting on the sofa, and raised her eyes to look at An Liuli.

I have to admit that although she is a forty-year-old woman, Xie Fangyu's appearance is still very good.

Her skin is smooth and fair, well-maintained, with black eyebrows, deep eyes and red lips, and her facial features are perfectly proportioned.

If it weren't for this, An Liuli wouldn't have inherited such a beautiful gene.


The woman who was still beautiful in front of her eyes was extremely strange to An Liuli.

Wearing expensive clothes, her whole body is filled with the grace and elegance of a noble wife, but she is no longer the image of a mother in An Liuli's memory.

Realizing that An Liuli was looking at her in the wrong way, Xie Fangyu frowned and said, "What kind of eyes are you? Ever since I came in, you haven't answered well when I talked to you. Liuli, is this the way you talk to your mother?"

【The next chapter before 19:30】

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