Genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! "Kindness? An Liuli?" The reporter in charge of the interview almost lost the microphone in his hand.

Who in the whole Huaguo didn't know that An Liuli was difficult to deal with and black-hearted, and Wen Feiyan was so kind to her, and she always dissed Wen Feiyan on different occasions.

Kindness, this word has nothing to do with An Liuli.

"Well, it's Liuli." Yue Xinluo looked at the camera and nodded without hesitation.

"More than four years ago, Liuli was very popular, but our Tang Corporation was in crisis. At that time, we searched all over China for popular female artists with state-owned schedules, and almost no one was willing to help us take over our plays.

But Liuli agreed after reading the script. She deliberately turned down a few commercials, and even offered to lower her salary to help us. It is easy to add icing on the cake, but difficult to deliver charcoal in the snow. It was the downturn period of Tang Corporation at that time, and many actors were unwilling to deal with us Tang Corporation, for fear that they would not receive follow-up remuneration.

But at that time, Liuli chose to believe in us and helped us out of the trough. Such a good girl, of course I want to repay her. Speaking of it, it was still my mistake. I have been busy taking care of the children these years, and I always went abroad. I never knew that she was not doing well in China. "

As soon as this interview came out, there was another uproar on the Internet.

At first, some people didn't believe it, thinking that this was just an excuse for President Tang to come down to protect the crew of "Two Lives Flower".

The Tang Corporation is the company of Yue Xinluo's adoptive parents. As the eldest lady of the Reddington family and Lu Yuchen's wife, Yue Xinluo couldn't find someone to shoot their Tang Corporation's video.

But when careful netizens went to find out the last TV series An Liuli filmed before her popularity plummeted four years ago.

Only to find out that the producer of that play is Tang Corporation.

And looking through the news a few years ago, they also found that Tang Corps was indeed very difficult at that time.

The market share was squeezed by Joe's Entertainment and the Wheaton Group with the capital of country M, and the company was once again controlled by the relatives of the Tang family, causing a mess.

[Netizen A]: So, at that time, An Liuli really helped the Tang family a lot. I read the class representative's summary, Tang Corporation was a bit miserable at that time.

[Netizen B]: Then what Yue Xinluo said is true... An Liuli would be so kind? Didn't she forget about righteousness and profit, only looking at the salary and not the quality?

There have long been rumors on the Internet that An Liuli only accepts the film based on the salary, and whoever offers the highest price will accept the role.

Favors, the support of her mentor Bole, and the quality of the film are all important to her.

[Netizen C]: But An Liuli accepted Tang's play and lowered her salary... It seems that the entertainment circle is very deep. In the future, I dare not stand in line casually, for fear of being slapped in the face.

Facts speak louder than words, especially what happened a few years ago, and it is almost impossible to fake it now.

Therefore, under the comment area of ​​several marketing account big Vs, it suddenly became a battlefield for netizens to criticize and criticize.

No one wants to be a fool.

These people only use one mouth to spread rumors, playing tricks on the public, and even let everyone's team get slapped in the face.

[Pickling Baby V] [Entertainment Prosecutor V] simply shut down the comment section, not daring to come out and talk about it.

And 【Sister Zhang Loves to Talk About Things V】【Gongzi Entertainment V】even canceled their account, it looks like they are going to run away.


In less than half a day, things made new progress.

Bai Yu Law Firm directly approached the residential areas and office buildings in City A and City B, and submitted a written lawyer's letter to them face to face.

And sue in court immediately.

And all this process was filmed by the entourage with their mobile phones and posted online.

[There is another update before 1:00 p.m., change the order of updates, originally 3 changes to 4 updates today, 3 updates tomorrow, and so on. 】

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