Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 107 After Slapping the Left Cheek, Then Slap the Right Cheek

The lawyer named Bai Yu not only has a high professional level, is tall and handsome, but also has unexpected ways of doing things.

Not only the process of going to the door to send a lawyer's letter was broadcast live on the live broadcast platform, but also the situation of submitting an appeal application to the court was broadcast live.

Netizens could clearly see what kind of people were hiding behind those four marketing accounts.

[Netizen a]: It turns out that [Sister Zhang loves to talk about things] and [Gongzi Entertainment] both run public relations companies. Have you seen the video? There are more than 20 people in their company, and everyone has two computers. Motivation online.

[Netizen b]: What kind of PR company? It's clearly a troll. The prices on the Internet have all exploded, 50 cents for retweeting, 20 cents for likes, 2 yuan for comments according to the format and rhythm, and 5 yuan per piece for those with many fans.

[Netizen c]: It's too fake, she simply treats our netizens as fools. And that [Baby Picking Skin] and [Prosecutor of the Entertainment Industry] laughed out loud. Baopi Baobao is a big man in his forties, and the prosecutor in the entertainment circle is only sixteen years old. Don't they usually go to work or go to school? Then when you are free, spread rumors on the Internet every day.

[Netizen d]: Probably received money from other companies, and wanted to take a look at Tang's new play. Anyway, this time these people pissed off Tang Corporation. This is all right, let Mrs. Lu be blown out, let's see how they end up this time.

The truth is clear, no one will believe what these four marketing accounts say.

At the same time, the official blog of the crew of "Two Lives Flower" also issued a statement to clarify all the rumors on the Internet.

And I guarantee that the cast and crew have a good relationship, and there is no such thing as An Liuli accepting the unspoken rules of the director and screenwriter, and deliberately reducing the role of Wen Feiyan.

The previous ones were purely rumors made by people with good intentions.

Because of Yue Xinluo's own clarification, as well as witnessing the real situation of those marketing accounts, most of the netizens are still willing to believe the crew's statement this time.

However, even so, there are still discordant voices.

This kind of voice mainly comes from one group, that is Wen Feiyan's fan group.

The 'Yan fans' gathered under the official blog, asking the official blog to explain to them——

[Hu Yan's Life]: It's clear that your crew is bullying actresses, not only bullying actresses, but also ordinary staff. We have evidence here.

[Yanyan is the best]: That is, another actress in your crew has admitted it on the small microblog, if you don’t believe me, read it for yourself@菲菲\u003cahref="/cdn-cgi/l/email-""__cf_email__"data- cfemail="ffa9bf"\u003e[emailprotected]\u003c/a\u003e makeup artist Nicole v

Wen Feiyan's fans have long been friends with Li Yufei's fans.

At this time, the two families are considered to be the same enemy.

Through their private exchanges, it can now be confirmed that apart from Wen Feiyan being forcibly taken over from the scene, An Liuli also bullied two people in the crew.

One is Li Yufei, a rookie actress who uses a small microblog to express her feelings.

There is another one, that is, I posted some ambiguous words on the Weibo account, but after a closer look, it can be seen that it was referring to An Liuli's makeup artist Nicole.

Fans are afraid that ordinary netizens will not understand the reason, and there are "class representatives" who will spontaneously summarize the incident.

So, it didn't take long for netizens who gathered under the Weibo of "Two Lives Flower" to see the two accounts @菲菲v and @包装师妮可v, as evidenced by the screenshots of their speeches.

[The update is complete, see you at 6 o'clock tomorrow night]

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