The genius remembered the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! Hearing Director Han's words suddenly, An Liuli, who was standing behind him, suddenly felt tense.

Unexpectedly, Director Han's eyes are so good, and he can see a clue from Yue Ze's performance during filming.

As a partner in the opposite scene with Yue Ze, An Liuli knew very well how perfect Yue Ze's performance was in the opposite scene just now.

Yes, it's perfect, but the problem is that it's too perfect.

When he was acting, his demeanor, movements, tone, and even his micro-expressions were well controlled.

If it wasn't for An Liuli's understanding of Yue Ze and empathy for the role, she would definitely not be able to see Yue Ze's performance. In fact, the traces of acting skills are too heavy.

Just like Director Han said, there is no indifference and ruthlessness towards Zheng Meiyi's character in his eyes, even though the corners of his lips and eyes are cold, but the coldness does not reach the bottom of his heart.

"..." An Liuli was silently worried, afraid that Director Han would see something.

After all, Koshizawa's acting skills are well recognized.

But in the breakup scene just now, he really didn't express indifference. How should he explain it in front of Director Han?

Yue Ze's dark blue pupils darkened, and the corners of his lips curled into an inconspicuous arc: "Oh, I didn't expect you to see it."

An Liuli: ...

Koshizawa, what is he going to say! Do you want to make their relationship public?


She immediately opened her eyes wide and winked at Yue Ze behind Director Han's back.

However, that hateful man didn't look at her, instead he said to Director Han solemnly: "I acted like this on purpose. Zheng Meiyi is indeed still using Mo Chenyuan, and Mo Chenyuan also broke up with her in a cold war this time. But , Proposing to break up doesn't mean he doesn't love her, this man should have Zheng Meiyi in his heart. In other words, through this breakup, he discovered his own heart.

Since there is love, of course it is impossible for Mo Chenyuan to really hate Zheng Meiyi. Therefore, my expression is cold, and my tone is cold, but that kind of indifference will not be shown in my eyes. Because Mo Chenyuan loves Zheng Meiyi, he will be attracted to her when he sees her, and his eyes can't deceive anyone. "

When Yue Ze said the last sentence, his long, narrow and deep blue eyes had already lifted up.

Missing from Director Han's shoulder, he stared unabashedly at the woman standing behind Director Han.

That was his woman, his Liuli.

Director Han: "..."

Han Shuo suddenly felt, why does he look like a big light bulb?

In fact, he has long seen the difference between Yue Ze and An Liuli.

After all, he is the director, and Yue Ze's cold and indifferent blue eyes will reveal a little affection every time he plays with An Liuli.

Once or twice, he can still be regarded as taking the role.

But it happens every time, every time, and even the scenes where the hero and heroine quarrel and the cold war are like this, Director Han has to start to doubt.

But now, when he saw Yue Ze staring at An Liuli, he dared to be sure of his guess.

Woo... He felt that he was being shown affection invisibly, so he forced a mouthful of dog food.

Director Han quickly waved his hand: "Okay, okay, you're right, just act as you said. I remember I still have things to do, so I'm leaving first."

After finishing speaking, Director Han left in two steps in three steps.

Afraid that he would leave late, he could skip tonight's supper and tomorrow's breakfast, because he was already full.

"Director Han, is he alright?" Seeing Director Han walking away, An Liuli asked Yue Ze.

She thought Director Han would find out something, or correct Yue Ze's attitude towards filming, but she didn't expect him to accept Yue Ze's explanation.

"It's okay." Yue Ze snorted softly, then approached, and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Liuli, come to my room tonight."


Not far away, there are many staff members busy.

No one noticed that one of them was hiding a mobile phone in his sleeve.

And the camera of the mobile phone was facing An Liuli and Yue Ze.

[The update is complete, see you at 6 o'clock tomorrow night~]

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