Genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! On the other side, Wen Feiyan has received the notification from the crew.

The crew of "Two Lives of Flowers" officially changed its name to "The Flower of Thorns", and the original double heroine role was canceled and changed to a single heroine.

Zheng Meixue's role is reserved, and Wen Feiyan's previous scenes will be edited by the crew to perfect the plot.

But after that, all scenes about Zheng Meixue will be deleted.

In other words, the crew that was renamed "Flower of Thorns" no longer needed Wen Feiyan to report to the crew.

"What do they mean? They are clearly breaking the contract and breaking their promises! I signed a contract with them for the heroine, which stipulates that the role of the heroine should account for more than 50% of the broadcast time of each episode. You go tell them , if they really dare to do this, just wait for a lawsuit!"

Wen Feiyan threw the pillow on the sofa at her manager Lu Jing.

The dignified young lady of the Wen family was rejected by others, and she was told not to go to the set, which was clearly an insult!

The manager who was hit by the pillow took two steps back while catching the pillow.

She knew that Wen Feiyan was angry at this moment, so she should speak according to her.

But Lu Jing is also a well-known gold medal manager in the industry, and has brought countless superstars before. If it weren't for the high salary offered by the Wen family, she would not have come to serve this young lady.

She is used to seeing some big-name celebrities, who are different from each other.

It's not surprising that Wen Feiyan has two faces.

However, being used by Wen Feiyan as a venting channel is always unpleasant.

Lu Jing didn't coax the young lady like usual, instead she clearly analyzed the situation with her: "Yanyan, if you stay sick and stay away from the set, they have a reason to deal with it like this. There were also actors who were in the filming process before. I was ill during the middle of the year and couldn't join the crew for a long time, the crew either changed the script to reduce the number of scenes, or they had to find someone to replace them."

"Now the production crew has not replaced your role with another person, but instead kept the part you filmed before. This is morally justified and tenable. If you sue them, the chances of winning are not high."

Lu Jing also analyzed from the perspective of her many years of experience.

Now that the crew didn't treat Wen Feiyan harshly, the remuneration should be changed accordingly.

Two, Wen Feiyan's role was not completely deleted, but her role was retained.

By doing this, she was treating Wen Feiyan preferentially. Who told Wen Feiyan to tell the crew a few days ago that she was ill and might not be able to return to the crew for a month.

She did that in order to blackmail the crew and make the crew bow to her in order to invite her back.

But she didn't expect that the crew of "Two Lives Flower" would be so strong, and after a few days, a new notification would be sent over, telling her not to go.

Wen Feiyan frowned: "What does it mean to be able to stand up? I don't think they can stand up at all. If they didn't meet the shooting time stated in our contract, I can sue them. It's just a lawsuit. Our Wen family I have plenty of money, I want to sue them, sue them, and drag them to death!"

Miss Wen is used to bossing her around, she has always been aloof, and she doesn't feel that this lawsuit is untenable at all.

Anyway, in her impression, going to court is spending money to hire the best lawyer, and waste money with the other party.

Their Wen family has plenty of money, she is not afraid.

Seeing Wen Feiyan like this, Lu Jing felt in her heart that Miss Wen might not be popular for long.

【The next chapter before 18:30】

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