
Qiao Muer's heart ached, as if something had been hollowed out.

But she knew that some things should be clarified.

If Yuezheng came back earlier, she probably still had the courage to stop everything and face her own heart.

Even if he just likes to tease her, even if he wants her to chase him back, so what?

But now, her college entrance examination is less than two months away, and after the college entrance examination is over, it will be her and Lu Qilin's engagement banquet.

Their engagement banquet had already been widely advertised, and their relatives and friends were notified.

The face of the Lu family, the face of the Qiao family, and many other feelings to take into account.

Qiao Muer didn't have the courage to disappoint her godmother who loved her like her own daughter, let alone the face to tell brother Youyou that she had betrayed him.

Thinking of this, the girl took a deep breath, mustered up the courage to face Yue Zheng's icy blue pupils and said, "I am your brother's fiancee."

She said calmly, in the calmest voice.

"It's wrong for us to do this... Yuezheng, I don't know why you kissed me, but we should finish before everyone finds out."

Just cut all ties, just like you did for the last ten years.

Qiao Muer spoke in a rare serious and serious way, she obviously had a cute and cute face, her almond eyes were shining, and she was smiling.

But now, she showed a serious look.

But Yue Zheng hates her seriousness.

He wanted to tear her calm pretense apart, to show her cowardice, and to let him bully her severely.

The man's icy blue pupils sank, and the hand on her shoulders suddenly tightened, "Oh, it's so childish to be ridiculous... What did you say to end everything before everyone finds out, making it look like an affair. Qiao Muer, you Are you stupid enough to think that I kiss you because I like you?"

"..." Qiao Mu'er didn't dare to say yes, even if she had expected so much just now.

Seeing the girl's watery eyes flickering, but she didn't speak, the coldness in Yue Zheng's blue eyes became heavier.

He said in a hoarse voice, "Don't be stupid, if it wasn't because you seduced me, and I happen to have physical needs..."

A sharp dull pain made Qiao Mu'er's heart ache.

"Physical...needs?" She said, her voice trembling.

"Otherwise." Yue Zheng deliberately ignored the fragility that flashed in her eyes, "Oh, seriously, there seems to be another reason besides this."

"What's the reason?" the girl asked without thinking.

She suddenly felt that breathing was very painful, so painful that she couldn't help remembering to cry.

But Miss Qiao's family is a stubborn little person, she cries when she is kissed, but she won't cry when she is ridiculed.

When Yue Zheng kissed her, she would cry, but when he laughed at her coldly, she would wear the hardest disguise on her face.

" anger Lu Qilin." Yue Zheng's blue phoenix eyes have faded from the initial arrogance, and they have returned to their original state, even more indifferent than at the beginning.

He stared at the girl who looked like she was about to cry, but desperately bit her lower lip to keep herself from crying.

Say word by word: "You know, I hated being controlled by him since I was a child, and I didn't even like calling him brother. You are his fiancée. If he knew that I slept with his fiancée, would he be very upset? Angry. Heh, it's good to give Lu Qilin a cuckold."

Speaking of this, the man pinched the girl's delicate and small chin with his slender fingers, clamped her cheeks with two fingers, and easily separated her clenched lips.

"Qiao Mu'er, you are the one who seduced me by disobedience, if you don't want Lu Qilin to'd better be obedient."

After the words fell, the man's cold lips once again covered the girl's small mouth which was parted by him.

This time, without pity, Yue Zheng bit her lips hard——

【The update is complete, see you tomorrow night~】

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