"Yuezheng stop, are you crazy, what are you doing here?"

Qiao Muer exclaimed, and was thrown heavily on the big bed in the hotel by Yue Zheng.

This hotel, Seven Star Junyu Hotel.

Tonight, the annual event of the Zhengrong Group under Yue Zheng was held in the banquet hall on the second floor of the hotel.

But now, Qiao Muer was taken to a high-rise suite by him, locked the door behind him, and threw him on the bed.

Seeing such a terrifying Yue Zheng for the first time, the cold blue eyes were filled with coldness, so cold that Qiao Muer was unfamiliar with it.

The girl didn't know that this time, Yue Zheng would not give her any chance to refuse.

He directly brought Qiao Muer to the hotel room precisely because he wanted her.

"I want you." Yue Zheng pressed his whole body up, his handsome and sharp features magnified in front of Qiao Muer's eyes.

Feeling the weight of the man on her body, Qiao Muer was really scared.

She can feel that Yuezheng is serious this time, he is not joking

"You can't do this, I'm you!" Before the words in the small mouth were finished, the man's delicate lips were blocked more and more fiercely.

He hated hearing that her name was related to Lu Qilin.

Hate it ever since.

Now, even more disgusted.

Yue Zheng's deep blue eyes were frighteningly cold, and his handsome face was also frighteningly cold, but his big palm was so hot that Qiao Mu'er couldn't help trembling.

The hot touch ignited fire everywhere on the girl.

The man tore off the button of Qiao Muer's shirt with his slightly calloused hands.

Taking off her blouse and short skirt, the girl's porcelain white and delicate body was completely exposed to his eyes.

"Don't get over it, don't let me hate you." Qiao Muer cried and struggled, hating him, hating him, never liking him again.

It's just that these crying words were blocked by Yue Zheng's thin lips, and they could only turn into whimpers in the end.

Her small mouth was kissed wantonly by the man, and it was not enough to kiss her lips red and swollen.

Yue Zheng even went down, his slightly cool lips pressed against her fair and slender neck, tossing and chewing.

The delicate kisses landed on Qiao Muer's lips, chin, neck, and collarbone, and bright red hickey marks gradually spread all over her body.

And her delicate white body also flushed, gradually being controlled by a strange and strange feeling.

Hearing the girl's crying, the man gradually turned into an uncontrollable hum, and the corners of his cool lips raised slightly, pulling out a cruel arc.

Big palms lay on her soft body.

The tip of her tongue entangled her uvula so badly that she had to exchange breath with him.

Some things, he has long wanted to do.

Unfortunately, she didn't come of age until last month.

At that time, even if he came back early, he couldn't eat her completely.

"Hate is better"

In the lingering toss and turns, the man bit her bloodshot little earball and rubbed gently.

"Qiao Muer, remember, whether you hate it or like it, I will fix you. Don't forget, you seduced me tonight. From now on, you are mine."

After the words fell, the man's body sank.

Mu'er has taken over him fiercely.

After an unknown amount of time, when Qiao Muer woke up from the hotel bed again, Yue Zheng was no longer around.

In the huge room, only a dim wall lamp was turned on.

Qiao Muer moved her body a little bit, her whole body was full of soreness and pain everywhere.

Yue Zheng

The girl bit her lower lip and propped herself up from the bed.

He actually, really gave her

At this moment, Qiao Muer's heart was full of complex emotions, including anger, annoyance, sadness, and overwhelming guilt towards the Lu family and Lu Qilin.

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