
"I'm busy with business in Europe. I told you when I came back that I will only stay for a week." Yue Zheng ate breakfast with a knife and fork, and answered casually with a bit of laziness in his graceful movements.

Yue Xinluo: "With your uncle watching in Europe, your brother and Mu'er's engagement is such a big deal, you can't stay in China? An An, you haven't been back to China for many years, don't you want to spend more time with Mommy?"

Seeing the younger son's expression was calm and unmoved at all, Xinluo felt aggrieved.

When I was young, I was so cute and liked to cling to my mother's buns. Why did I become so uncut when I grew up.

Yue Zheng was a little helpless towards Yue Xinluo who played the family card, he reminded: "Engagement is not marriage. If it is a wedding ceremony, I guarantee that I will never be absent. Besides...Although I don't often go back to China, you Every year, I go to Europe to visit my grandparents. Mom, we spend no less than three months a year together,"

Three months is less.

Their whole family gathers in Europe for at least three months every year, and there are also family vacations and various opportunities to meet each other.

If it wasn't because father didn't like mother being taken up too much time by them, they would only spend more time together.

Xin Luo knew that the reason she was looking for was actually unreasonable.

Wanting to think of other excuses, he turned his eyes and happened to see Qiao Muer standing at the door.

"Mu'er, you're down...Come on, come over to have breakfast, and help me persuade An'an by the way. He only came back after so many years, and he finally came back. He didn't even want to wait for your engagement with Youyou, so he just stayed I'm leaving in a week. It's not cute to say if he's breaking my heart by doing this."

The voice of godmother Xinluo came to Qiao Muer's ears every word, which made her heart ache.

In fact, there is no need for Yue Xinluo to explain again, Qiao Muer heard the conversation between the two at the door just now.

She knew what they were arguing about, and she heard clearly that Yue Zheng was about to leave.

"I... I don't care. Since Yuezheng is busy, let him go back first. Yuezheng is right, Brother Youyou and I are just engaged... When the wedding comes, he remembers to attend, so that's fine. "

After Qiao Muer sat down, the corners of her lips twitched a few times, and she finally managed to say these words.

When she was speaking, her small face drooped slightly, and the thick eyelashes fluttered occasionally, covering the real emotion in her eyes.

Qiao Muer didn't know what those chaotic emotions in her heart were.

It seemed that she was relieved, Yue Zheng was finally leaving, shouldn't she be relieved?

He secretly treated her like that, was so intimate with her, and even had that kind of relationship... If the adults found out, what an unimaginable consequence it would be.

Qiao Mu'er clearly knew that it was best for Yue Zheng to leave, which would be good for everyone and good for herself.


But why, she felt that her heart, which was already sore and swollen, hurt so much?

The original joy, the original sweet dreams, and the joyful mood after waking up seemed to be filled with an indescribable sourness.

It was an emotion the girl had never experienced before.

It was so similar to the soreness in Yue Zheng's heart after he suddenly left without saying goodbye ten years ago.

But it is more turbulent and surging.

"Is that so? Do you all think that getting engaged is a very common thing?" Yue Xinluo frowned slightly. Could it be that she was thinking too much.

She has always believed that even if it is just an engagement, it is extremely important for girls.

Relatives and friends of both parties should be present to congratulate.

But looking at the attitudes of Mu'er and An An, it seemed that engagement was just a ceremony, and it didn't seem to matter.

【The next chapter around 19:10】

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