"Well, it's just an engagement. It's a small matter. You see, the elder brother is the same. He hasn't come back at this time. He should only show up at the end of the day."

Yue Zheng said casually, with a cold tone and a low voice.

When he was speaking, his blue phoenix eyes seemed to glance over Qiao Muer's downcast little face with no emotion.

In the long and narrow phoenix eyes, there were bursts of cold light.

Yue Xinluo's beautiful peach blossom eyes sank, and she gave her son a hard look.

In front of Mu'er, can he restrain his poisonous mouth?

Which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted, saying this, isn't it clearly saying that Youyou doesn't value this engagement.

Yue Xinluo said slightly annoyed: "Your elder brother is different from you. He is in the military department and has many things to do, so he can't get away. It's not like you don't know that your elder brother is a workaholic. He is strict with his subordinates and even stricter with himself."

Speaking of this, Xin Luo quickly looked at the girl who lowered her head and was eating breakfast in silence.

"Mu'er, don't talk nonsense about An'an, he just has a bad mouth. Brother Youyou is just too busy with business, he attaches great importance to this marriage, don't worry...he will definitely not come back at the end of the day."

Although Yue Xinluo said so, she knew very well in her heart that with her eldest son's icy personality, it was considered good that he only came back the day before the end of the day.

She was afraid because Lu Qilin had to wait a little bit to show up at the engagement banquet.

What's more, he directly sent his subordinates to attend instead of himself, and simply didn't show up.

Anyway, this is not the first time this kind of thing happened, except for her, that child Youyou doesn't care about anyone.

I still remember the last time I celebrated Zhuo Yarong's birthday, Youyou was like this, sending subordinates to give gifts, saying that the military affairs are busy.

As the eldest son and grandson of the Lu family, he didn't even show his face.

Thinking of this, Xin Luo didn't bother to care about whether the younger son would stay or not. She felt that it was necessary for her to go to Lu Qilin's camp and bring the eldest son back this time no matter what.


After breakfast, Qiao Muer got up to leave on the grounds of going to school.

Xin Luo hurriedly called her to stop: "Wait, Mu'er, An An...you've eaten enough, send Mu'er to school."

Although there is a driver at home, it is naturally the best for the son to deliver.

Yanyan said last time that there are many boys in school who secretly like Mu'er.

With Youyou not here, An An naturally wanted to send her future sister-in-law to school and give her a place to stay.

At least let the people in the school know that their Lu family values ​​Mu'er, the future daughter-in-law very much, and other people are not allowed to compete with their Lu family.

"Mommy, I'm going to the airport after breakfast." Yue Zheng's cool voice sounded, with tomorrow's reluctance and disgust.

Xin Luo: "So fast? Yue Zheng, you can't..."

"I can't." Yue Zheng interrupted in a deep voice without any hesitation.

He raised his eyebrows, and his cold blue pupils seemed to glance at Qiao Muer, who stood up and was just across the dining table.

Compared with Yue Xinluo's surprised stop, Qiao Muer's small face seemed too calm.

Seeing this scene, the man's blue pupils narrowed slightly, and he uttered a cold sentence from his thinned lips: "I'm busy with European affairs. I came back this time to deal with business affairs in Huaguo, and I will naturally rush back after I'm done."

After saying that, the man got up, moved faster than Qiao Muer, and strode away.

Yue Xinluo: "..."


Yue Zheng just left without hesitation.

Qiao Muer said goodbye to Xin Luo, got into the driver's car with a normal expression, and went to school.

【The next chapter around 20:20】

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