"Dong dong dong—" there was a knock on the door.

"Mu'er, it's me. Dinner is about to start. Mommy asked me to come up and call you..." Lu Yanqing's voice came from outside the door.

"I'm going down right away."

Qiao Muer responded to the outside.

She put down the towel in her hand and looked at herself in the mirror. There were no tears on the curled eyelashes, and the slightly red eyes just now were covered with cold water, and the blush subsided a lot.

It's just that her lips were still a little swollen, her eyes fell on the slightly swollen lips, and she subconsciously remembered Yue Zheng's forceful and violent kiss just now.

But, I don't want to, I can't think about it anymore.

Qiao Muer quickly shook her head, wiped her face again with a wet towel, applied skin care products and lipstick, and then opened the door.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the door was opened, Lu Yan was seen leaning against the edge of the corridor.

Fortunately, the lights in the corridor were darker, so that people couldn't really see the traces of crying in her eyes.

"Yanyan, I just fell asleep inside." Qiao Muer used a lame excuse.

"Oh." Lu Yan didn't point it out, just nodded and slightly bent her lips, she said: "Mu'er, they should mention your marriage with Yue Zheng at the dinner table later. I guess they should get engaged first, and wait You were getting married when you were 20 years old."

Qiao Muer lowered her head and said nothing.

Lu Yan raised her eyebrows: "Why didn't you talk? In the afternoon, you seemed to have accepted the proposal of getting engaged to An An."

"..." Qiao Muer bit her lip and lowered her head.

Lu Yan: "Why, don't like it, don't want to marry An An?"

Qiao Mu'er was always depressed. Ever since she heard Lu Yan talk about engagement, she had been depressed since she got married.

Humans are really strange animals.

Obviously a few hours ago, she was still so happy when she heard such words, but after a while, her heart was already so numb.

"Mu'er, you are Miss Qiao's. I remember that when you were young, you were more tempered than you are now. It is no exaggeration to say that you are savage and willful. At that time, you often bullied the women who were close to your father's place outside. Crying and screaming aside, even Zhuo Yunfei is often teased by you to scream.

But after growing up, especially recently, I feel... your previous courage seems to have disappeared. If you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it. Whether you want to marry or not is up to you. I believe that as long as you speak your mind, no one will force you. "

Hearing Lu Yan's words, Qiao Mu'er seemed to have a surge of anger in her heart.

She has always had an idea in her mind, but she has never dared to say it.

"Yanyan, thank you, I understand." The haze in my heart seemed to be blown away suddenly.

Lu Yan's words woke up Qiao Muer.

That's right, she not only liked Yue Zheng's Qiao Muer, she was also Qiao Muer of the Qiao family, the eldest lady of the Qiao family.

She should have her own pride.


Soon, dinner began.

When Qiao Muer and Lu Yan arrived, the others had already taken their seats, and there were two empty seats beside Yue Zheng.

Qiao Muer walked over and sat in a seat away from Yue Zheng.

Lu Yan's long and narrow black eyes flickered with a half-smile, and sat down between the two of them.

And Yue Zheng's blue eyes swept towards Qiao Mu'er, and the bottom of the deep eyes was dark and obscure, making it difficult to see through.

After drinking for three rounds, the atmosphere at the table became lively.

At this moment, Yue Xinluo spoke first: "Mu'er did well in the exam this time, and you can choose any school in city A and city B. Mu'er, have you chosen your favorite university? If you do, you can choose Let An An open the company near your school, so that you can get along day and night during the four years of college, and with him taking care of you, your parents will feel more at ease."

【The next chapter around 20:10】

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