
Su Qing also smiled: "Yes, Mu'er always said that she would not be with us in college and would go to other places for the exam. When she was young, she always clinged to me, and when she was older, she always liked to run outside."

As soon as Xin Luo heard it, she agreed.

"That's right, Youyou and An'an are also like this. When they were young, they obviously wanted to make me jealous. Now that the two children are grown up, they are away from home every three days."

When Xin Luo spoke, she took a special look at Lu Yuchen.

Seeing the man's cold and serious face, obviously because he was unhappy when she heard 'Youyou' mentioned, his heart became heavier.

Su Qing also saw Master Lu's expression, and knew that if Mu'er and An An got engaged at this time, it would be a happy event for Master Lu, and it would also ease the serious family atmosphere of the Lu family.

In fact, Su Qing has always been unable to see through her daughter's feelings.

Say she doesn't like Youyou, every time I talk about marriage with her, she doesn't refuse.

Say she likes it, the little girl feels timid every time she sees Lu Qilin.

On the other hand, An An, although she hasn't seen her for ten years, Su Qing feels that Mu'er is more suitable.

An An had the best relationship with Mu'er when she was young, he often protected Mu'er, although Su Qing knew that she was not with Mu'er in those years, it was heard that An An protected Mu'er.

He and Mu'er are closer in age, have more topics, and have more similar interests.

This is why Su Qing immediately agreed to An An and Mu'er's engagement.

From a mother's point of view, she vaguely felt that An An was a good match for Mu'er.

"Young people like to venture outside... Mu'er said that she likes City H and might go to University H. Her dad and I have already bought her an apartment near University H."

"City H is good. The coastal city has good air and is beautiful. But Redington Group doesn't have a branch in City H yet..." Speaking of this, Xin Luo turned to look at Lu Yuchen, her eyes sparkling.

"Husband, Huangting has a branch in City H, right? When An'an passes by, he is not familiar with the place, so you have to ask your senior executives to help him get familiar with the work. It's great, the young couple can spend time together in college." But... I think this is fine, An An, Mu'er, you two will get engaged first next week, and we will hold a wedding after Mu'er turns 20 in two years..."

Speaking of this, Xin Luo suddenly seemed to remember something, narrowed her eyes slightly, and said to Yue Zheng: "An An, but let's make it clear first, even if you are engaged, you are not allowed to bully Mu'er. In that regard, you must control yourself. Girls are very precious, you are not allowed to cross the line first, and you are not allowed to get on the bus first and then pay the fare."

Xin Luo treats Mu'er as her own daughter, and absolutely does not allow her son to make Mu'er's belly bigger before giving Mu'er a title.

Let the two of them be together to take care of each other and cultivate feelings.

In fact, she and Su Qing had chatted in the kitchen just now.

At first, I didn't think so, but now the more I look at it, the more I feel that An An and Mu'er are a good match.

Only a cute girl like Mu'er can subdue An An's surly tongue.

You have to know that when she was a child, An An always spoke ill words to each other, and was helplessly stared at by Mu'er's flickering almond eyes, and coaxed her with nice words.

Everyone and everyone's good luck, maybe Mu'er is An An's little wife at the most time.

Xin Luo was talking lively, Yue Zheng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stood up.

When he got up, he knocked down the chair behind him because of his excessive movement.

The European-style seat fell to the ground with a bang, making a heavy sound.

The originally bustling restaurant suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at the man standing there with a stern face and deep blue eyes in puzzlement.

【The next chapter around 21:00】

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