Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 64 Obtaining the certificate after 5 years

"But over the years, your elder brother has never said that he doesn't like Mu'er, and Mu'er has never said that she doesn't like your elder brother, so your mommy and I have always thought that they are willing to accept this marriage, Zhang Luo Engage the two of them. Later, when something happened to your elder brother, the marriage between our two families should be cancelled. But..."

Su Qing paused slightly, then glanced at her daughter.

If there is something, it is not convenient for her to say it.

At the beginning, she thought it was her own delusion. Since she and Qiao Mohan came back to accompany Mu'er a few days before the college entrance examination, she became keenly aware that Mu'er had become a little different.

Sometimes I would just stare blankly in a daze.

In a daze, he would suddenly laugh again.

Especially after she said that she was going to come to Lu's house, she even changed into her favorite skirt, which was completely different from her usual casual dress.

Su Qing also liked someone and fell in love too much. She clearly felt the change in her daughter.

Especially after arriving at Lu's house, she was worried that Mu'er would not be able to accept Youyou's divorce.

But at that time, she found that instead of feeling sad in the slightest, Mu'er felt relieved.

And when Xin Luo mentioned An An, her silly daughter's eyes were full of excitement.

Her daughter's apricot eyes flickered to hide what thoughts, as a mother, how could Su Qing not know.

Therefore, she became even more certain of her decision to arrange a marriage contract with Xin Luo for the two children.

As for why Xin Luo changed her engagement partner to her second son after Lu Qilin broke off the engagement.

In addition to having an explanation to the Qiao family and other members of the Lu family, there is another point that she has not pointed out.

"Your mommy told me that she thinks that you...may like Mu'er." Su Qing looked at Yue Zheng and said word by word.

In front of the two children, she didn't want to say such things.

But Su Qing couldn't bear to see her good sister being wronged.

Su Qing: "Your mommy said that after you came back this time, you felt very different. She didn't pay attention at first, thinking it was because she was thinking too much, but later found that he seemed to care too much for Mu'er.

What's more, the relationship between you two was obviously very good when you were young, but you left suddenly ten years ago and never contacted Mu'er again. Your mommy asked me if it was because Mu'er is your elder brother's fiancee that you avoided leaving.

And now... Seeing that they are about to get engaged, maybe you can't help it. "

When Su Qing finished speaking, the whole restaurant fell silent.

No one could have imagined that Su Qing would break Yue Zheng and Mu'er's relationship face to face.

What's more, it was directly punctured in front of their faces.

Yue Zheng's face was already very ugly at the moment, his handsome features were almost frozen into ice.

Mo's eyebrows were deeply frowned, and his blue eyes were cold, making it impossible to see what he was thinking.

Qiao Muer, who was proposed by Su Qing on the spot and liked by Yue Zheng, buried her head even lower.

Her hands on her knees were tightly twisted together, and her long hair hung down to cover her small face, which also made it impossible to see the emotions on her face.

After a long time, Yue Zheng's extremely cold voice sounded again: "You guys are thinking too much, whether I like Mu'er or not, I will give the Qiao family an explanation. However, I will not go to City H, nor will I be in H City for two years. Get the certificate later.

Zhengrong Group has its own layout and arrangements. In the past few years, my focus will be on work and my marriage contract with Mu'er... After five years, we will get the certificate. "

This is his original arrangement.

Yue Zheng never thought of not marrying Qiao Mu'er, but it was definitely not a step-by-step marriage restricted by his parents.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the girl who had been sitting on the other side with downcast eyes suddenly raised her face.

"I don't marry..."

【The next chapter around 20:00】

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