Su Qing: "Mu'er, what did you say?"

Yue Zheng: "Qiao Muer, say it again..."

The voices of the two sounded at the same time.

Compared with Su Qing's slightly startled tone, Yue Zheng's voice was as cold as frost, and it seemed that there was a deeper anger in addition to the surprise.

Qiao Muer turned her face sideways and looked at Yue Zheng.

Under the light and shadow, her fair and delicate little face was alienated and cold.

Those apricot eyes that always looked at him with joy, were calm at this moment, as if they were looking at a stranger.

"I said, I don't want to marry." The girl's apricot eyes were cold, and she repeated it in an extremely calm tone.

After saying that, Qiao Muer looked away, instead of looking at Yuezheng, she turned to look at Su Qing and Yue Xinluo who were sitting opposite.

"Mommy... Godmother, thank you for your kindness. I understand what you said just now. Sorry, I misunderstood in the past, thinking that the engagement must be carried out. But now I understand, if you don't like it, just I don’t like it, I don’t want to marry, I just don’t want to marry. I don’t like Yue Zheng, not at all, and I don’t want to marry him.”

When the girl spoke to the two mothers, her eyes were calm, the corners of her lips were slightly drawn, and there was even a slight smile on her face.

She didn't look like she was talking angry at all, but a calm, very calm state.

Xin Luo frowned slightly, her slightly raised peach eyes looked at Qiao Muer's face and then at Yue Zheng, then at Qiao Muer, and then at Yue Zheng.

What Su Qing said just now is true.

In fact, Xin Luo had long guessed that his son liked Mu'er, but he was not sure before, and wanted to continue to observe.

but now……

And Su Qing's expression was even more shocked by Yue Xinluo.

Unlike Yue Xinluo who was still in the stage of guessing and doubting her son's feelings, Su Qing was almost 100% sure that her silly daughter fell in love with Yue Zheng.

Since he is the person her daughter likes, even if Yue Zheng looks more surly and cold, Su Qing still wants to see her daughter's wishes come true.

But now...

She couldn't figure it out.

Even Yue Zheng promised the date of marriage, why did his daughter refuse to agree?

Su Qing thought her daughter was shy and couldn't hold back her face, so she duplicity refused to admit it.

It was inevitable that her daughter would regret it in the future, so she hurriedly smoothed things over: "Mu'er, about feelings..."

"Qiao Muer, you don't like me, do you? But that's not what you said upstairs just now."

Before Su Qing could speak, she was interrupted by a cold and magnetic voice.

Yuezheng's long and narrow blue eyes narrowed dangerously, and a slight annoyance was hidden between his brows.

His gaze fell directly on Qiao Muer's delicate little face, and his thin lips parted slightly: "You just told me upstairs that you like me, like me very much, and want to marry me. Qiao Muer, you can change your mind really quickly."

"Yeah, I changed my mind quickly, why, who made the rules?" The girl suddenly clenched her little hands, raised her eyes, and met Kamiyue Zheng's cold gaze.

"Feelings come and go quickly. I liked you one second, and I'm tired of you the next. I don't like you now, not at all, and I don't want to marry you."

"You..." Yue Zheng frowned, wishing to punish this duplicity girl severely.

And the two of them confronted each other as if no one was there, almost dumbfounding the two mothers present.

Especially Yue Xinluo... She opened her beautiful eyes and watched Mu'er piss off her cold and surly son.

The depression that was contradicted by An An just now dissipated.

Now, Xin Luo just wants to cover her mouth and smile.

He also said that others have duplicity, but she thinks that An An is really duplicity.

Xiao Mu'er was even more powerful. This was the little Mu'er who could cry angrily when An An made a poisonous tongue in the past. This was clearly An An's nemesis.

[The update is complete, continue tomorrow night~~]

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