Two and a half billion... Hehe, Yuezheng is really merciless in cheating his own people.

According to seniority, Zhuo Yunfei is Yue Zheng's elder at least, he is his family, but he can dig such a big hole for Zhuo Yunfei to jump into.

The reason why Qiao Muer dared to throw Zhuo Yunfei down to deal with Yue Zheng yesterday was because of the relationship between Yue Zheng and Zhuo Yunfei.

If it was another partner, Qiao Muer wouldn't dare to let Zhuo Yunfei deal with the negotiating partner alone no matter how embarrassing it was for Zhuo Yunfei's bluff and insignificant nature.

Taking a deep breath, Qiao Muer spread her hands to Zhuo Yunfei: "Here's the contract, let me have a look."

Seeing that Qiao Muer didn't blame himself, Zhuo Yunfei immediately squeezed out a courteous and ingratiating smile and took the contract: "Mu'er, it's good if you don't get angry. Take a look... In fact, we signed this contract very well." No loss, this is the 2.5 billion..."

He also wanted to please Qiao Muer and say a few words to make her happy.

As a result, as soon as Zhuo Yunfei spoke, he was almost killed by Qiao Muer's eyes.

He quickly shut up, handed over the contract, and obediently stepped aside.

Just like a student who got into trouble and was waiting for the head teacher to teach him a lesson.

Qiao Muer took her eyes away from Zhuo Yunfei and carefully looked at the contract in her hand.

She breathed a sigh of relief while flipping through it——Zhuo Yunfei was right, they signed the contract well, and it can even be said that the terms were very generous, and Zhengrong gave a lot of money to the imperial court.

If the negotiations continue according to this contract, in the end, the royal court must be the one who will benefit.

On Zhengrong's side, they would even suffer a disadvantage.

However, just look at the first clause of the entire contract - 'During the cooperation period, Miss Qiao Muer must be the negotiator of the imperial court and the subsequent project leader responsible for the entire plan. '

The woman involuntarily frowned.

For a moment, Qiao Muer really wanted to give up.

Anyway, Zhengrong and the imperial court broke the bones and connected the tendons, and Yue Zheng was the son of his godfather. The imperial court compensated Zhengrong 2.5 billion, which is no different from the left hand and the right hand.

However, as long as I thought that I ran away in a panic yesterday and ended everything I learned in the past two and a half years in a cowardly way,

Qiao Muer felt unwilling in her heart.

In the past two and a half years, while coping with her studies, she devoted all her energy to work, and she didn't even have time to go back to reunite with her family.

The reason is that she wants to rely on herself to win a sigh of relief, to prove that no matter who she leaves, Qiao Muer can stand in this world by herself, neither humble nor overbearing.

In the past two years or so, she relied on this hard work to make everyone dare not question her as the trainee secretary run by the airborne president.

But yesterday, the appearance of Yue Zheng almost made her efforts for so many years come to naught.

Qiao Muer took another deep breath and told herself that yesterday's situation was the last time.

She no longer allowed herself to escape in a broken army.

"The contract was signed well." After a long time, Qiao Muer let out a sigh of relief and said.

"Ah?" Zhuo Yunfei showed horror, he thought he would be beaten to death by Qiao Muer, but she...she actually praised him...

Qiao Muer put the contract on the table expressionlessly, flipped through the pages, and pointed to Zhuo Yunfei: "This one, this one, and this one are all extremely powerful terms for us.

As long as we don't breach the contract and pay the 2.5 billion yuan, this project will definitely become the most profitable project of our H city branch. Not only can Rongtian Plaza become a part of our Junyu Hotel.

City H is a coastal business city, and there is still a lot of room for further purchasing power. In a few years, the completion of the convention and exhibition center opposite Rongtian will bring even more amazing commercial influence. At that time, the annual outdoor large-screen advertising expenses in the mall alone will be enough for our branch to submit a beautiful financial report. "

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