Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 93 Some people can regain possession without turning back

In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, Qiao Muer also pointed out the benefits and benefits of each agreement to the imperial court for this contract.

Basically, this is a win-win contract, whether it is for Zhengrong, the imperial court, or even Rongtian.

The only difference is that Zhengrong could have taken 70% of the profit, and the imperial court 30%.

And because of this contract, now the proportion of the profit has been reversed, the imperial court is seven, and the glory is three.

If it wasn't for the clause that Qiao Muer had to be solely responsible for negotiating, otherwise the clause of 2.5 billion would be stuck there, no matter how you look at it, this contract is a great credit to Zhuo Yunfei.

"Zhuo Yunfei, you've made a lot of progress recently... Although the signing of the 2.5 billion deal was muddled, the following clauses are all tough nuts to crack. Can you negotiate these clauses from Yue Zheng? , must have used up a lot of strength, right?"

Qiao Muer asked herself to start with a business-like attitude as much as possible, without any personal feelings.

Although the imperial court is not her company, she has already regarded it as her battlefield after two years in the H city branch.

Zhuo Yunfei: "Uh..."

What is he going to say?

Could it be that Qiao Muer was told that all the terms of this contract from the beginning to the end have nothing to do with him?

He couldn't understand what Yue Zheng was saying last night at all, under Yue Zheng's fierce influence, he wished he could shrink into the corner of the sofa.

He didn't know how the final contract was negotiated.

Anyway, after he finished signing, he found that he had 'sold' Qiao Muer for 2.5 billion!

At that time, he was so frightened that he almost knelt down by Yue Zheng.

Unfortunately, Yue Zheng turned a deaf ear to it, and only told him to ask Qiao Muer to report to Zhengrong on time today.

Zhuo Yunfei hesitated, Qiao Muer mistakenly thought that he was still sorry.

Her cold apricot eyes showed a bit of comfort: "Forget it, the matter is over, you have done your best. Leave the rest to me, and the secretariat will give me two people, and then a supervisor will be drawn from each of these departments." , set up a temporary team to be fully responsible for this cooperation negotiation.

I will go to Zhengrong to visit first today, and you will choose a good person for me.

After I talk to... Zheng Rong, I will take them there. "

There is a statement in the contract that the person in charge of the imperial court must stay in Zhengrong, in case of contact and cooperation at any time.

Qiao Muer didn't know if Yue Zheng did this on purpose.

But even if it was, she already had a way to deal with it.


On the other side, Yue Zheng received an unexpected call.

"Yuezheng, I heard that you are in City H now? What, you regret it and want to pursue Mu'er again?"

The only person who would speak so bluntly, without fear of offending Yue Zheng, mentioned Mu'er on the phone was Lu Yan, the fearless second lady of the Lu family.

Hearing some gloating voice in his sister's coldness, Yue Zheng casually said 'um'.

Didn't deny it, even admitted it?

On the other end of the phone, Lu Yanleng narrowed her eyes involuntarily.

"Brother... If you were half as honest as you are now, you and Mu'er wouldn't be able to describe strangers in two and a half years."

It's not that Lu Yan hasn't seen Qiao Muer before. In my impression, a girl who is as innocent and carefree as Sister Tiantian seems to have grown up overnight.

She didn't know why Yue Zheng had such a sudden change.

But Lu Yan knew that the Qiao Muer of today was no longer the Qiao Muer of the past.

Yue Zheng wanted to pursue Qiao Muer again, but he was afraid...

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, the current Mu'er may not need your pursuit. Brother... Many people have changed. I know you had a lot of help, but...don't forget, Mu'er is the same Yes. It's just that once, if you didn't see it, you missed it.

I guess, now she will never need your change of heart. You have to be mentally prepared. Some things and some people can regain them without looking back after they are lost. "

【The next chapter around 19:20】

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