Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 94 Tell me, did Mu'er ever like Lu Qilin back then?

Meng Fang knocked on the door several times outside the study, but got no response, so he could only gently push the door in from the outside.

When the study door was opened, he poked his head in.

What I saw was Yuezheng sitting behind a large desk, slightly raised his jaw, and cast his cold and deep blue eyes out of the window, seeming to be deep in thought but not sure.

Meng Fang subconsciously looked out of the large and transparent floor-to-ceiling windows of the study.

It's late autumn, and the sycamore leaves rotate and fall one by one, gathering into golden shallows.

When will the young master be able to see such a scene so engrossed?

Meng Fang stepped up his strength again, knocked heavily on the door, and said in a respectful tone: "Master, Miss Mu'er is here."

In the living room downstairs, Qiao Muer had already arrived.

The man who was looking out the window with far-reaching gaze turned his ice blue eyes sideways when he heard Meng Fang's words.

After finishing the call with Lu Yan, he has been deep in thought.

Even Meng Fang came in, but he didn't notice it.

"En." He replied extremely coldly, and Yue Zheng stood up.

Just took a step, but stopped.

He frowned, raised his blue phoenix eyes, and looked at his subordinate standing by the door.

"Meng Fang... Tell me, did Mu'er like Lu Qilin back then?"

The question in my heart finally came out.

This question has troubled him for many years.

What happened back then, there were youthful vigor, rebellious actions, and desperate efforts... There was also a cowardice that did not dare to find out the truth.

Yanyan said that he left after kissing Mu'er when he was ten years old, and went away to Europe since then, because he was afraid that he would get close to Mu'er and do something wrong to Lu Qilin.

Yes, that's right, there was indeed such a reason for him to leave in the first place.

But why not be afraid, what Mu'er likes is not him at all.

That wayward girl when I was young,

He would always talk about Lu Qilin with admiring eyes.

When I saw him, I was afraid, timid, and afraid of making mistakes, but there was a shyness of a little girl seeing a boy she likes.

And when Qiao Muer faced him, she always acted coquettishly and made fun of him recklessly.

Compared to Lu Qilin, he is more like her ordinary friend.

So, when he was ten years old, he left, and he left for ten years.

When he returned to China because of Mu'er and Lu Qilin's engagement and reappeared in front of her.

He thought that ten years was enough time for him to forget the feeling he once had.

Who knew, it was just a meeting, and he couldn't help it anymore.

Couldn't help approaching, couldn't help coveting, couldn't help snatching things that shouldn't belong to him.

When the Dongchuang incident happened and he left in anger, everyone thought it was him letting go of Qiao Muer.

However, only he himself knew that he had to leave.

If you continue to appear in front of Qiao Muer, continue to look at her and approach her—just like when we met in the clubhouse after two and a half years.

Qiao Muer is his poison, as long as she appears within his sight range, he can make him forget all his persistence and the distance that should be kept away.

He thought he could get rid of her again, and decided to fly back to Europe after leaving the clubhouse.

But it turned out that he couldn't at all.

Just one side, it follows like a shadow, never let go.

Therefore, he appeared in the imperial court and tried his best to not let go.

"Uh..." Meng Fang's slightly nervous voice brought back Yue Zheng's cold thoughts.

"I don't know about this, because the young master is seldom at home. But... Speaking of which, back then...Miss Mu'er must have liked you, young master."

Meng Fang actually didn't know, but he had picked up and sent them off in private back then. At that time, Miss Mu'er was nestled in the young master's arms, with a pink face showing a shy expression.

Even now, Meng Fang still remembers the warmth of her childhood sweetheart.

The deeper blue pupils darkened a little bit.

Is it?

Even Meng Fang could see that she liked him back then.

"Then now..." Yue Zheng subconsciously asked, his voice cold.

Meng Fang shivered slightly, not daring to answer.

But thinking of the young master's temper, he could only bite the bullet and say, "Now... I don't know anymore. But judging from the meeting at the imperial court yesterday, maybe...Miss Mu'er now has something she likes more?"

[More than 1200 words: the update is complete, see you tomorrow night~]

( = )

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