"That's not it..." Seeing that Secretary Zhang had a deep prejudice against Qiao Muer, Su Qianfei pursed her lips and smiled, "It's not just that, look, Qiao Muer is actually happy that we are all gone tonight She, she can be ambiguous with Zhao Yu again, maybe she can go back to the room and turn the clouds upside down."

Secretary Zhang frowned: "We can't ignore her messing around with men and women in the company like this. I have already reported this matter to the head office."

Su Qianfei rolled her eyes and said, "Sister Zhang, if you catch a thief, you have to get the stolen goods, and if you catch the traitor, you have to be in pairs. What should you do if you say that the head office doesn't believe it? Look, how about we go and catch the traitor?"

Secretary Zhang: "Catch... catch rape?"

Su Qianfei nodded: "Yes, I will guard outside Qiao Mu'er's room. Whenever I see the two of them enter the room together, I will yell and block the door. When the time comes, you will come out to catch the rape!"

There are so many people living here, some from our imperial court, and some from the towering one next door. When things get serious, everyone knows that even if Mr. Zhuo wants to protect her, he won't be able to. "

"This..." Secretary Zhang seemed to hesitate.

"Sister Zhang, don't hesitate, let's make it so. I'll go out now and wait for my good news."

In order to catch Qiao Muer and Zhao Yu's "real hammer" who was in the same room together, Su Qianfei didn't even sleep, and ran to the corner of the corridor opposite Qiao Muer's room to squat.

However, that night, Qiao Muer was not so tired that she fell asleep, she returned to the room alone.

In the next few nights, although Qiao Muer often worked overtime until very late, she returned to her room normally every night, and had no entanglement with Zhao Yu.

Instead, it was the new proposals she put forward these days, each of which was more beautiful and perfect than the last.

Everyone in the imperial court who wanted to see her deflated could hardly sit still.

This night, Su Qianfei stayed on as usual.

She didn't sleep much for several nights in a row, but unfortunately she always got nothing.

If it weren't for the fact that Qiao Mu'er's taint could not be found, it would be very likely that she would cover up the achievements of the rest of them at work.

Tonight, Su Qianfei didn't even want to stay here anymore, she just wanted to go back to sleep.

"Heh—" Su Qianfei stretched her waist in the corner, her head began to doze off bit by bit.

at this time,

Suddenly there was a strange little whimper behind her.

Su Qianfei shivered, leaned out quickly, and looked around the corner of the corridor.

She didn't dare poke her head out too much, lest she be noticed.

This made her peeking from a not very good angle, and she could only see the man's tall and tall back as she opened the door of Qiao Muer's room.

"Hmm..." The woman in the arms of the man arched unconsciously.

There was a strange warmth and comfort in this cold embrace.

Qiao Muer hadn't felt so at ease for a long time.

In this somewhat familiar embrace, she habitually rubbed against each other, and even let out a comfortable sigh.

And what Su Qianfei heard was Qiao Muer's hmm from her throat.

The door opened, the man walked in with the woman in his arms, and the door closed.

A clear rattling and locking sound came from inside.

For a while, Su Qianfei woke up from any drowsiness.

The opportunity was too late to miss, she hurriedly jumped out to hold the door, and listened to the movement inside with her ear on the door.

When she heard about it, she felt that the two people inside must have started to "turn the clouds up and down".

Su Qianfei suddenly yelled at the top of her voice - "Come on, come on... A thief, a thief has entered Secretary Qiao's room!"

【The update is complete, see you tomorrow night~】

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