
The villa at four o'clock in the morning was eerily quiet.

Su Qianfei's excited yelling could easily wake up the sleeping person.

The first to come was the room next door, which was just a turn away from the aisle. The two male colleagues of the imperial court came over wearing vests and shorts.

Then came Miss Zhang.

After that, there are several other male colleagues of the imperial court.

Su Qianfei saw that there was no Zhao Yu, and immediately gave a look of "as expected" in her eyes.

She was worried, and asked the male colleague who lived in the same room with Zhao Yu: "Where is Zhao Yu, why didn't you see him?"

"Zhao Yu didn't come back tonight. What's the matter, Xiao Su, didn't you say there was a thief? Where is the thief?"

The colleagues next to her didn't know that Su Qianfei was here to 'catch rape'. The reason why they came to see this was really kind, thinking that the villa had been burglarized.

Only Sister Zhang secretly observed Su Qianfei's expression with doubts on her face.

She knew Su Qianfei's so-called theory of 'catch the thief and take the stolen goods, catch the adulterer and take the double'.

Sister Zhang guessed in her heart that Su Qianfei probably caught Qiao Muer and Zhao Yu.

Su Qianfei pointed back without changing her face and heartbeat: "The thief is inside... You guys came at the right time, let's break open the door and rush in together.

I saw a man sneaking into Secretary Qiao's room just now. I came and knocked on the door and the inside didn't open. I yelled so loudly that there was no response from the inside. Secretary Qiao must be held hostage by that man now.

I've been working on this lock for a long time, but I can't open it, and the door was locked from the inside by that thief, so you guys have to think of a way. "

While talking, Su Qianfei twisted the doorknob vigorously as if in a hurry.

But the doorknob didn't move at all, it was indeed locked from the inside.

In fact, it is so normal to lock the door when you go back to your room to sleep at night.

They live together in a group, and they are not alone at home, so they don't need to lock the bedroom door.

But at this time, Su Qianfei was anxious and excited, and others heard that a man had entered Secretary Qiao's room.

Even though she usually had some disagreements with Qiao Muer, she is a woman anyway, and this is the suburbs, if Secretary Qiao is really given by some desperate man...

Thinking of this, the male colleague at the side already pulled Su Qianfei away.

"Get out of the way, let's hit the door together—"

The two male colleagues had just gathered their strength and hadn't hit each other yet.

The closed door was suddenly pulled open at this moment.

Wearing silk pajamas, with slightly disheveled hair, Qiao Muer appeared in front of everyone with a languid and charming face against her fair and delicate face.

Qiao Muer leaned against the door frame, holding the opened door handle with her left hand.

Her graceful body will only open a small half of the crack in the door, covering it in all directions.

"What are you all doing here?" She yawned, and the movement of raising her hand was indescribably loose and moving.

It is very different from her usual capable and strict appearance.

The two male colleagues who stood at the front and were about to hit the door stared straight at him.

The head of the marketing department who had been at odds with her stammered slightly, "Joe, Secretary you okay?"

Qiao Muer's black hair fell down behind her fragrant shoulders, and her fair and crystal clear face slightly raised to look at him.

"I slept well, what can I do? Heh... I worked overtime until after three o'clock, and I was woken up by you just after I fell asleep. But you, you don't sleep most of the night, why are there so many people arguing outside?" Woolen cloth."

The male colleague looked at Qiao Mu'er in a daze, and even yawned so gracefully and charmingly.

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