
This Qiao Muer, who is different from her usual serious and indifferent attitude, has an innate magical power, and can almost easily control the hearts of others.

The executive, who was usually on Su Qianfei's side, pushed Su Qianfei out without even thinking about it at this time: "'s Xiao Su... Secretary Xiao Su said that he saw a thief entering your room. We are afraid that something will happen to you, so we all come to have a look."

After the male colleague finished speaking, he showed his courtesy by the way: "Secretary Qiao, I also care about you."

Qiao Muer smiled: "Thank you for your concern... However, I slept soundly in the room, and I didn't see any thieves at all. Secretary Su, where are the thieves you mentioned? Your room is not opposite me, why is it so late at night? Did you see a thief enter my room...or is Secretary Su playing a prank to wake everyone up at night?"

"I...I..." Su Qianfei didn't expect Qiao Muer to open the door by herself.

Her original plan was that if she called so many people, Qiao Muer and Zhao Yu would definitely panic if they hid inside.

At that time, they will definitely not open the door.

At this time, she encouraged everyone to knock on the door. When the door was knocked open, everyone would get all the stolen goods, and Qiao Muer and Zhao Yu would be caught.

When the company messes with the relationship between men and women, or when it is important to negotiate, if this matter is confirmed, Qiao Mu'er's position as the leader of the negotiation team can also be resigned.


After all the calculations, Su Qianfei didn't expect Qiao Muer to be the first to strike, and opened the door by herself.

She was sure that Zhao Yu must be hiding in the house, he must still be there!

Su Qianfei quickly regained her composure, and she had a showdown: "Secretary Qiao, I did see someone enter your room. As for why I ran into you at this time, I didn't mean it.

Who told us that there is no bathroom in our room, we can only go out and use the public one outside... Such a coincidence, I happened to see you and Zhao..."

"Ah—" As if suddenly realizing that she had said something wrong, Su Qianfei cried out in a low voice, and quickly covered her mouth.

However, her word 'Zhao' has been heard by others.

One of the male colleagues didn't think too much about it, so he asked directly: "Xiao Su, do you want to say that you saw Secretary Qiao and Zhao Yu together? Then what did you say just now that you were a thief? What's going on? What do you mean?" clear."

"I..." Su Qianfei looked at the other colleagues helplessly, and looked at Qiao Muer in fear, as if she dared not tell the truth because of Qiao Muer's presence.

At this time, Secretary Zhang finally couldn't stand it anymore.

She straightened her face and said in a serious tone: "Xiao Su, if you have anything to say, feel free to speak up. There are so many colleagues here, and I'm here too.

If you find something, you can tell it clearly, you don't need to use words like "thief" to be sloppy.

Our imperial court is one of the best listed companies, and the behavior of any employee is subject to the supervision of shareholders. "

"...Sister Zhang, I see." Su Qianfei pursed her lips, as if she had finally made up her mind, she turned to look at Qiao Muer.

On her face, there was a kind of determination of "seeing death as home".

And Qiao Muer, still leaning against the door calmly and dissatisfied, looked at Su Qianfei leisurely.

Those crystal-clear apricot eyes with teasing eyes seemed to say, 'I'm watching your performance'.

Su Qianfei pretended not to see the mockery in Qiao Muer's eyes, and gritted her teeth: "Well, I can only tell the truth now. I admit, I lied to everyone, the thief was just me talking nonsense to let everyone come here reason.

In fact, it was I who discovered... I found out that in the company, some people used public favoritism to mess with the relationship between men and women. "

"Oh, why are you messing with men and women?" Qiao Mu'er asked, with a smile on her lips.

Su Qianfei's eyes flickered, she didn't understand why Qiao Muer was still calm at this time.

She guessed that this was just Qiao Mu'er trying to hold on.

Maybe Qiao Muer was so scared to death right now.

Thinking of this, Su Qianfei gained another layer of courage, and she said: "You know what's going on with Zhao Yu, you know it in your heart. Every night in the name of working overtime, you are actually dating secretly. Tonight is Zhao Yu sent you back to your room, if I didn't call out to catch the thief, how could I catch you straight!"

【The next chapter around 19:00】

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