
" cold..."

Qiao Muer, who was in a coma, subconsciously arched towards the warmth beside her.

She didn't know where it was, she couldn't open her eyes, her whole body was stiff and sore, she just remembered that after she fell into the swimming pool, the fear deep in her heart was rapidly magnified.

The same fear as when she was a child made her fall into a coma and fell into a kind of tremor.

But later, a warm halo enveloped her.

The halo seemed to have magical powers, dispelling all the coldness in her heart, and gradually warming up her body that was trapped in the freezing cold.

However, she finally warmed up, and gradually became calm and peaceful under the wrap of that halo... Now, she suddenly felt that she had fallen into the ice cellar, and there was a kind of cold seeping out from her bones.

"Cold... um..."

The unconscious Qiao Muer babbled wildly, but her body subconsciously slipped into the arms of Yue Zheng who was holding her.

The man's tall body was naked, and Yue Zheng took off all the wet clothes on his body in order to sleep peacefully with Qiao Mu'er in his arms.

His strong arms originally wrapped around her waist from behind, encircling her soft and delicate body tightly.

The two had already slept peacefully, although hugging the little woman whom he had been thinking about for a long time, hugging such a soft body made Yue Zheng already have a reaction somewhere.

Even, the swelling was slightly painful.

However, Yue Zheng warned himself.

Unless Qiao Muer agrees, he can no longer force her regardless.

The mistakes made by youth and frivolity, the woman who has been hurt, cannot be hurt again.

With this thought in mind, Yue Zheng hugged Qiao Muer to sleep peacefully.

However, he had just fallen asleep, when the little woman in his arms suddenly turned around and hugged him.

Qiao Muer, who was in a coma, seemed uneasy. She murmured softly and didn't know what she was talking about, but unconsciously pushed her arms into his arms.

Qiao Muer's soft and bouncy little face unconsciously rubbed against the man's hard and broad chest and well-defined abdominal muscles.

Her slender long legs tightly hooked the man's slender and powerful legs, and she rubbed against his legs once and for all, even accidentally rubbing against that damned part several times.

Yue Zheng woke up almost the moment Qiao Muer turned around and hugged him.

All drowsiness was gone, Yuezheng who had just hugged her as if he was hugging Anwen and fell into a deep sleep, was stiffened and his muscles tensed by Qiao Muer's subconscious 'seduction'.

The muscles on Yue Zheng's back swelled, and his arms were even tighter like iron.

He tried his best to restrain the impulse in his heart, resisting the urge to press Qiao Muer to the big bed with his backhand, lift her restless legs, and just want her.

The man took a deep breath, lowered his head, and patiently stroked Qiao Muer who was nestled in his arms.

His slender fingers gently caressed the back of her neck, shoulders, and back...

Qiao Muer trembled subconsciously, and hummed twice.

This kind of whining is really a deadly poison.

Yue Zheng's lower abdomen became tighter and more painful, and he had to find a way to calm himself down.

The man suddenly buried his head in the woman's loose black hair, and his breath was filled with the fragrance that belonged to Qiao Muer. It was the fragrance that he had been thinking about for many years.

The fragrance in her hair is still the same as when she was a child, no matter how many years have passed, it is still so fragrant, soft and just right.

Whether it was the cute and arrogant little girl back then, or the seemingly capable woman who is now alone, she will always be the arrogant, willful but fragile little Mu'er who once followed behind him and needs to be loved by others.

The flames of Liaoyuan in Yuezheng's narrow, long and deep blue pupils gradually calmed down.

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