
The unique fragrance of Qiao Muer's body could easily arouse his emotions and calm him down.

Take a few deep breaths, let her breath go deep into the lungs.

The more tense lower abdomen finally loosened a little.

"Mu'er, don't be like this, sleep well..." He pushed hard into his arms, and slowly pulled away the little girl who was whispering softly but couldn't hear clearly.

Yue Zheng didn't know why Qiao Muer suddenly behaved like this, but thought she was the same as when she was a child, she didn't feel safe when sleeping, and she liked to hug something to fall asleep.

"Hmm...cold...cold..." Qiao Muer was still humming softly.

It's a pity that her voice is extremely small, and because her head is buried in Yue Zheng's embrace, the single syllables she uttered are hard to recognize.

Yue Zheng tried to pull Qiao Muer away several times, but she hung on him like a koala and refused to leave.

She wrapped her hands around him vigorously, squeezed her head into his arms, and her legs were still fixed on his waist paranoidly.

The bright and clear blue phoenix pupils were bright and dark, dark and bright again, and Gu Qianhuo, who had finally been suppressed just now, was easily aroused by Qiao Muer's restless little action.

"Mu'er..." He lowered his voice, his voice was hoarse and dark, almost gritted his teeth: "Sleep well, don't mess around."

After all, Yue Zheng has been in charge of his own side for many years, once his usual strong and low-key aura is shown, it is like frost brushing past his face, frighteningly cold.

But at this moment, Qiao Muer seemed to be murmuring, but she was actually completely unconscious. She only felt a bone-chilling cold in her body, so she subconsciously squeezed against the hot 'halo'.

"It's's's so cold..." Qiao Muer rubbed against Yue Zheng vigorously, without any intention of retreating.

Her soft lips even brushed against Yue Zheng's chest several times inadvertently.

Such teasing was really unbearable for Yue Zheng.

Just when he was about to get out of bed and take a cold shower in the bathroom to cool down, the little woman who was holding him suddenly arched upwards, and her crystal clear lips inadvertently bit the outside of his ear.

"Cold... so cold... hug me..."

Soft pleading with tears in it, scared and hesitant voice, this voice is exactly the same as back then.

Yue Zheng's blue eyes narrowed slightly, and his big hand subconsciously grabbed Qiao Mu'er's delicate buttocks, lifting the limp and limp little woman up.

He remembered.

After Qiao Mu'er fell into the water and was rescued by him, she started to have a high fever overnight. After burning for a long time, there was nothing she could do. Her mother put on Su Qing's clothes and sprayed on Su Qing's perfume, and held Mu'er so that she could gradually recover. Fever.

At that time, Qiao Muer was also like now, muttering softly, not knowing what she was talking about.

Only vaguely, the word 'cold' can be heard.

Later, when she recovered from her illness, she asked her, and found out—when she fell asleep and had a fever, in her dream, she was always at the bottom of the dark water.

Mu'er said that she was so cold at the bottom of the water, as if she had been sunk at the bottom of a frozen lake.

Yue Zheng's eyes darkened, and he subconsciously raised his other hand to caress Qiao Mu'er's forehead.

It was terribly hot!

She has a high fever.

Yuezheng's deep blue eyes suddenly darkened.

He wanted to put Qiao Mu'er on the bed and let her lie down so that he could go out and get her medicine.

But after several times of tugging, the little woman who was hanging on him vigorously refused to go down, Qiao Muer hugged Yuezheng tightly and did not let go.

Yue Zheng: "..."

The man could only caress her back helplessly: "Mu'er, let go first...I'll find you medicine."

If the fever does not go away after taking antipyretics, the family doctor must be called immediately.

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