Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 171: Secretary Joe is now a big hit in the company

Chapter 2693 Secretary Joe is now a big hit in the company

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived at the downstairs of the company, Director Wang stopped everyone.

"All of you have worked hard these days. You have worked overtime at the villa for three consecutive weeks. The company has decided to thank you all and give you five days off from now. You will report to the company next Monday."

Qiao Muer frowned when she heard this arrangement: "But I haven't reported the result of the merger to Mr. Zhuo. This matter is a task assigned to me by Mr. Zhuo, and I have to explain it to Mr. Zhuo."

There is no private transaction between her and Zheng Rong and Yue Zheng.

Qiao Muer didn't care about Su Qianfei's dirty water at all, she still did what she should do.

But Director Wang said: "No need for the time being. Regarding this merger and subsequent cooperation, there will be other arrangements at the headquarters. Well, Secretary Qiao and the rest of you, go home now, remember Come to the company to report normally on Monday.”

Director Wang's attitude was firm, and Qiao Muer received the signal from his eyes, and she vaguely knew in her heart that he was going to deal with Secretary Zhang and Su Qianfei.

It's a pity that Su Qianfei was still unclear at this time, and even asked anxiously: "Director Wang, you said that some people will be punished, so let's just forget it?"

Director Wang has a serious expression: "What I said always counts. The headquarters needs a little time to investigate and make arrangements. Come over next Monday, and the HR department will issue a notice."

After getting an affirmative answer, Su Qianfei was secretly delighted, and immediately took Secretary Zhang to go on vacation happily.

Before Qiao Muer left, she exchanged a tacit look with Director Wang.

It is even more certain that Su Qianfei is afraid that extreme joy will turn into sorrow.


In the next five days, rumors began to spread in the company.

The content of the rumors basically revolved around the scandal between Qiao Muer and Yue Zheng, but in these rumors, Qiao Muer was not the lucky one who was actively pursued by Yue Zheng and presented him with precious jewelry.

Instead, she was described as a scheming girl who would not hesitate to betray the company's interests in order to get fewer hookups.

Everyone said that this Secretary Qiao was superb, but the headquarters had noticed her violations and would punish her soon.

And Qiao Muer, who went home to rest alone, didn't care about these rumors.

She went back to school to attend classes, and even summed up her experience working in the Royal Branch, and gave a report in front of the teachers and students of the whole department.

As for the diamond ring that Yue Zheng gave her, it was indeed very beautiful and dazzling, but unfortunately, this diamond ring came too late.

After Qiao Muer returned home, she took off the diamond ring and sent it to the office of President Zheng Rong.

Soon, five days passed, and Monday went to work.

Qiao Muer stepped into the Huangting branch building in the center of H, wearing professional suits and high heels, just like in the past.

Qiao Muer pressed the elevator button, and an elevator that was about to close its doors reopened in front of her.

Most of the people were already in the elevator, and when the colleagues inside saw Qiao Muer's beautiful but cold face appearing outside the opened elevator door, they all gasped unconsciously.

Their eyes were full of curiosity, gossip, and fear.

Qiao Muer ignored the probing eyes of other people as usual, and pressed the button for the top floor after stepping into the elevator, not paying attention to them at all.

She just stood there, with her back to everyone, and a gap was automatically cut off with her at the center.

"What are you doing, why are you all pushing in?" A female colleague standing at the back couldn't help saying, being pushed back by the people in front.

"'s Secretary Qiao. Secretary Qiao has come in." The colleague in front of her covered her mouth.

The female colleague whose mouth was covered opened her eyes wide.

Secretary Qiao, the one on the top floor?

Wow, this secretary Qiao is now a big hit in the company.

Five minutes ago, all of their mailboxes received a job change notice from the company's HR department.

【The next chapter around 19:40】

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