Vertex Fiction Network

The notice from the personnel department stated that Qiao Muer, the intern secretary of the president's special assistant, would be converted into a full-time employee.

Not only that, the original secretary of the president's office was supposed to be managed by the special assistant to the president, but after Qiao Muer became a full-time employee, she didn't need to listen to anyone's instructions, and would directly take orders from the president.

In other words, Secretary Qiao is now the first person around the president, the closest person to the president.

If she sees anyone upset, she just needs to make a small report and put some eye drops on it.

Secretary Qiao became popular, but the others suffered.

Secretary Zhang, an old man on the top floor, and Su Qianfei, another intern secretary, both received notices of dismissal.

The elevator door reached other floors, and colleagues went out one after another.

After leaving the elevator and seeing Qiao Muer, the other colleagues dared to discuss in private: "It's not that Secretary Qiao betrayed the company's interests in order to climb up to the top, but how did the HR department finally issue a notice to give her a promotion?" , Instead, Secretary Zhang and Secretary Su were fired?"

"Didn't you read the detailed content at the bottom of the email? It's all written there, and there is no evidence that Secretary Qiao betrayed the company's interests. But it was found that Secretary Zhang relied on his elders and slacked off work in this cooperation case. And that Su The same is true for Qian Fei, I heard that the two of them didn't do much business, but in private, they often hindered the progress of the negotiations."

Qiao Muer asked to get rid of Secretary Zhang and Su Qianfei after returning to the company, because she knew very well that these two people did so many things secretly, and it was impossible for the colleagues who worked together to have no objection to what they did. .

Therefore, after Director Wang came back, he immediately gave everyone a holiday.

Afterwards, in the name of the HR department, they conducted internal interviews one by one, and asked other colleagues who participated in the cooperation case to come back one by one to assist in the investigation.

Zhao Yu naturally had something to say. At the beginning, Secretary Zhang and Su Qianfei deliberately mobilized everyone to sing against Qiao Muer, and several things that affected the progress of the negotiation were exposed.

As for the others, some chose to be wise and protect their own lives, while others were also disliked by Secretary Zhang and Su Qianfei's actions in their later work, highlighting the truth.

With the testimony of other colleagues, Su Qianfei and Secretary Zhang could no longer gain a foothold in the imperial court.


Qiao Muer was still in the elevator at this time.

She watched the elevator go up one level at a time, and she already knew the arrangement of the personnel department for Secretary Zhang and Su Qianfei.

The elevator door reached the top floor, and Qiao Muer walked out with firm steps.

After walking a few steps, I heard Su Qianfei's scream full of unwillingness, coming from the direction of the secretary's office: "I won't leave, I won't leave... Why should you fire me? Why do you have to sell the company's interests?" Mu'er, it's her... how did your personnel department investigate, and why should you drive me away!"

Su Qianfei came to the company full of joy this morning. She even dressed up specially, as if she saw Qiao Mu'er kicked out of the company, her downcast and embarrassing side.

However, as soon as she sat down in her seat, director Wang from the personnel department came up with two security personnel and said that he wanted to watch her and Secretary Zhang pack their things.

Su Qianfei was stunned, and Secretary Zhang, who had just arrived at the company, was also confused.

Director Wang's assistant handed them each a cardboard box and a notice of dismissal.

The imperial court...the imperial court actually wanted to fire them!

Secretary Zhang's hand holding the dismissal notice was trembling slightly, and her face turned pale in a flash.

But even so, Secretary Zhang didn't dare to make a fuss, she knew it well, since she was suddenly informed by Director Wang to go home for a holiday that day, she had a very strong premonition.

But Su Qianfei was different from Secretary Zhang.

After all, she is the daughter of the Su family in H City, how could she be kicked out by the imperial court!

Unwilling, and even more unbearable, she immediately made a fuss in the office on the top floor.

[10.1 update is complete, see you tomorrow night~]

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