Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 173 I have no affair with Mr. Zhengrong Yue

Vertex Fiction Network

"I don't care, I won't leave. My father greeted your imperial court today... Your imperial court has cooperated with our Su family. A mere personnel department is not qualified to drive me away!"

Su Qianfei watched the company's security personnel take away her things in a cardboard box, and without thinking about it, she called out Father Su's help behind the scenes.

There were not only her and Secretary Zhang in the office, but also other administrative assistants and administrative secretaries.

Hearing her words, everyone couldn't help but secretly startled.

It turns out that the person who likes to talk about Qiao Muer in the office the most, saying that Qiao Muer must have gone through the back door, found a relationship, and even betrayed her body, is Su Qianfei.

Although the people in the office are all good people, they usually just listen and don't talk too much.

But there are also people like Sister Zhang who were able to treat her peacefully at first, but after hearing too many things like this and being transferred again, it is inevitable to think too much.

But now, listen to Su Qianfei herself.

It turns out that I usually keep saying that others are people who are connected, but in fact I am the biggest connected person.

Colleagues looked at Su Qianfei with more contempt, but Su Qianfei hadn't noticed it yet, and was still desperately grabbing the corner of the table, unwilling to leave.

"What's going on?" At this moment, Qiao Muer walked into the office with neat steps.

She stopped at the door of the office, raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at the commotion in the office with folded arms.

Qiao Muer's tone was cold: "There was a lot of noise here early in the morning, and Mr. Zhuo will come later, what does it look like to hear such noise?"

Unlike Su Qianfei's embarrassment, Qiao Muer looked refreshed and energetic.

"Qiao Muer, you dare to come!" Seeing Qiao Muer, Su Qianfei was not calm.

She even forgot to hold on to the corner of the table so as not to be asked out by security.

At this moment, Su Qianfei just wanted to go up and tear Qiao Muer apart.

Qiao Muer leaned against the door and looked at her coldly, her pretty little chin raised her haughty look: "Why don't you dare to come? This is my job... But you Su Qianfei, you have been expelled from the imperial court, please You pack up your things and leave immediately."

"I leave? I leave? Heh, heh heh... I was wronged, I was wronged! The person who should leave is you, Qiao Muer, and you have an ulterior relationship with President Zheng Rong! As both of us The person in charge of the cooperation case, you actually have an affair with the president of the other party, and people like you haven't left, so why should I be fired!"

At such a time, Su Qianfei is just chasing and biting, no matter what, she will drag Qiao Mu'er into the water.

When other people in the office heard her words, they all thought of the rumors that had been circulating in the company recently.

The rumors were well-spoken, saying that Qiao Muer had an ambiguous relationship with the president of Zheng Rong.

If this is the case, Qiao Muer is indeed not qualified to stay in the imperial court.

The imperial court already does not support office romances within the company, let alone employees in key positions who have an affair with the other company.

In this case, you don't know how to avoid suspicion, and you will indeed be suspected of colluding with the other party and betraying the company's interests.

However, now that the cooperation case has been negotiated, if Qiao Muer really made a decision that would harm the company's interests for the sake of Yuezheng, it would be a great loss to the imperial court.

However, no matter how convincing Su Qianfei said, Qiao Muer's expression was calm.

She looked at Su Qianfei, and said calmly and coldly: "I just want to explain once, I, Qiao Muer, will never betray the interests of the company, let alone collude with outsiders because of the so-called personal relationship. What's more, me and Zheng Rong There is no personal relationship at all between President Yue.”

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