"No... Lu Yuchen, that's not the case..."

Tang Xinluo shook her head desperately, she and Yue Ze were really not what he thought.

"That's not the case, then tell me, why did you hug him? Why do you frequently go in and out of his villa?"

He clenched her slender wrist, just for an answer.

Because of too much force, the slender knuckles are almost white.

He knew she was afraid of pain, but his heart hurt even more.

If he didn't work so hard, he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it.

I couldn't help pinching her fragile neck...

"Lu Yuchen, I...I can explain..."

Tears rolled down like pearls with a broken thread.

She wanted to explain, really wanted to explain.

She just went to cook noodles for Yue Ze. At first, she just regarded it as a job.

Later, mixed with sympathy, because of Yue Ze's heart disease, she happened to be an important "antidote".

She and Yue Ze have never had that kind of relationship.

As long as Lu Yuchen was willing to give her some time, she could explain it to him slowly.

"Explain?" Lu Yuchen raised his lips, and the corner of his lips smiled, showing disappointment and coldness.

"Tang Xinluo, I gave you a chance."

It's not that he didn't trust her, what did she say when he asked her last time?

She assured at the time that she had never been touched by Yue Ze except for the time she wore the scarf.

But in fact?

As long as she thinks of her petite body, she was once rubbed in another man's arms...

The last trace of reason left in Lu Yuchen's heart was also swallowed up by jealousy.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled Tang Xinluo, who was kneeling on the ground, between his legs.

The soundproof baffle between the front seat and the rear seat was raised by the driver as early as when the two quarreled.

Just kidding, Master Lu and the young lady quarreled. If he dared to listen, he would not want to live in the future.

Tang Xinluo was crying like pear blossoms and rain, her mind was in a mess.

Facing the furious Lu Yuchen, even if she wanted to explain, she didn't know where to start.

The man's strong fingers suddenly squeezed her chin.

"Hmm..." Tang Xinluo exhaled softly in pain.

In the next second, Bei Ji was pried open by his fingers.

The slender fingers stirred in her mouth without pity.

Lilac's small tongue, stirred by him, has nowhere to escape.

Tang Xinluo didn't know what Lu Yuchen was doing, she wanted to beg for mercy, but when she looked up, she was shocked by the haze in his eyes.

Lu Yuchen was staring at her for a moment.

His face was gloomy.

In the dark eyes, there seems to be a huge storm brewing at any time.

The man's sexy thin lips pursed tightly, his eyes lowered, and he looked at the little woman who was kneeling between his legs.

There were still wet tears on his palm-sized face.

And the transparent tears rolled down from both sides of her face.

It looks extremely endearing.

If it was normal, Lu Yuchen would have extinguished his anger, and hugged her into his arms and gently kissed her tears.

but now……

The slender fingers were pulled out of Tang Xinluo's mouth.

Tang Xinluo only got a second to catch her breath when she saw a change somewhere between the man's legs.

Immediately afterwards, a big hand with well-defined joints pulled down the pants chain in front of her.

That place was exposed in front of her eyes.

The scene that suddenly appeared in front of him made Tang Xinluo panic and want to run away.

However, at this moment, the back of his head was firmly clasped by him.

"Um...let me go...uu..."

The next second, his head was directly pressed down by him.

After a while, Tang Xinluo's intermittent cries rang out from the car.

The tender and miserable cry of the little woman made Lu Yuchen's heart throb instantly.

But his eyes swept to the side of the magazine cover, and the dull pain in his heart was immediately overwhelmed by jealousy.

He was going crazy with jealousy.

Only by completely owning Tang Xinluo can his jealousy and anxiety be appeased.

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